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History of Healthcare Kaiser

  • Period: 3000 BCE to 4000 BCE

    Primitive time

    • Some important medicines back then that are still used today are some forms of aspirin, sutures, cataract surgery, morphine, etc.
    • Some people believed that back then disease was caused by some type of magic or witchcraft.
    • in primitive time the average lifespan was about 35 years
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 300 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    • In Egyptian times they healed by using homemade remedies that used various fruits and ointments.
    • In Egyptian times physicals were called “swnw’s” and the earliest recorded physician in the world was Hesy-Ra
    • The average life span in Egypt was 19 years old!
  • Period: 1700 BCE to 220 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    • In ancient Chinese times the sections of the body were practiced in ancient China because the human body it was considered sacred
    • In ancient China the body was important because it was sacred to the people.
    • The average life span in China was 25 years old.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    • A Hippocrates was a Greek physician back then
    • Aristotle was a person who had significant knowledge about human anatomy
    • The average life span was 35 years
  • Period: 400 to 800

    Dark Age

    • The middle ages had a lack of scientific understanding of medicine that is why it never really progressed
    • They usually treated diseases with cupping and leaching
    • The average lifespan of a person in the dark ages was 31
  • Period: 753 to 410

    Ancient Romans

    • The Romans had a complex system of sewer covered by stones much like modern sewers waste flushed from latrines.
    • hospital in ancient Rome were generally limited to military camps in the very late empire after the establishment of Christianity.
    • there average lifespan was around 25 years
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle Ages

    • medical universities were taught wherever there was extra space for people to teach them such as churches and homes
    • The two gray epidemics of the middle ages include the Justinian plague in the six century and the black death of 14th century
    • in the middle ages are RHAZES was a great person physician and philosopher of the medieval ages you had a lot of contributions to the field of medicine.
    • average life span was around 30-31 years old
  • Period: 1350 to


    • The renaissance was a period of time of European culture, artistic, political and economic rebirth
    • The renaissance was a time where dissection was allowed to get a better grasp of the human anatomy
    • during the renaissance there were a number of many artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, and Rafael
    • The average lifespan was around 40 years old
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th Century

    • in the 16th century there were many plagues and diseases that were spread by fleas and killed many people
    • AmboiseParé was known as the father of modern surgery and was the official surgeon
    • Gabriel full appeal was an Italian Catholic priest and it was known as the most important anatomists and physicians of the 16th century
    • The average lifespan in the 16th century was about 39 years old
  • Period: to

    17th century

    • William Harvey was a english physician who was the first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body
    • Anton van Leeuwenhoek was a dutch microscopist who was the first to observe bacteria and protozoa
    • apothecary is a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs.
    • about 35 years old was the average lifespan
  • Period: to

    19th century

    The first successful blood transfusion recorded was performed by British physician Richard. Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in America to receive a medical degree. Florence Nightingale was a British nurse. Clara Barton leads the American Red Cross through its founding. he was physicist who was a recipient of the first Nobel Prize for discovering x-rays. average lifespan was 49 or 50
  • Period: to

    20th century

    Alexander Fleming is a Scottish bacteriologist best known for his discovery of penicillin. Daniel Hale Williams founded the first black-owned hospital in America, and performed the world's first successful heart surgery. the kidney was the first human organ to be transplanted successfully. Liver, heart and pancreas transplants were successfully performed. Godfrey Hounsfield Who was the person who discovered the CAT scan. Robert Edwards, pictured holding the world's first test tube baby. 48-74