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History of healthcare

  • Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE

    Primitive time

  • 3900 BCE

    Important medicine that is still used today

    Important medicine that is still used today
    They used to use herbs and plants, and some such as morphine for the pain as well as digitalis
  • 3800 BCE

    Believed that this is what caused diseases

    Believed that this is what caused diseases
    Hey believed that illnesses and diseases where caused by evil spirits and demons and to “cure” the patient, tribal doctors treated it with ceremonies to drive out the spirits
  • 3700 BCE

    Average life span

    Average life span
    There average life span was only around 20 years.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 300 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

  • 2900 BCE

    How do they heal?

    How do they heal?
    They relied on the “gods” to heal them when a disease occurred.
  • 2800 BCE

    Who are physicians?and who was there 1st?

    Who are physicians?and  who was there 1st?
    The physicians back then were the priests, they studied medicine and surgery in temple medical schools. Imhotep, was the first possible physician in the day.
  • 2700 BCE

    Average life span

    Average life span
    The life span now was ranging from 20-30 years.
  • Period: 1700 BCE to 220

    Ancient Chinese

  • 1600 BCE

    Dissections (beliefs + results)

    Dissections (beliefs + results)
    Religious refusals against dissection had resulted in poor knowledge of the human body.
  • 1500 BCE

    Importance of whole body

    Importance of whole body
    They belived in caring for the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body.
  • 1400 BCE

    Average lifespan

    Average lifespan
    There life span remained the same at 20-30 years.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

  • Period: 753 BCE to 410

    Ancient romans

  • 460 BCE


    He was known as the father of medicine, he developed an organized method to examine the body, recorded many signs/symptoms of diseases, and created a high standard of ethics, the oath of Hippocrates, is used by physicians today.
  • 384 BCE


    They dissected animals and is called the founder of comparable anatomy.
  • 370 BCE

    Average life span

    Average life span
    the life span of humans increased to about 25-35 years
  • 200 BCE

    Sanitation system

    Sanitation system
    some of the public health and sanitation systems: creating aqueducts to carry clean water to the cities, building sewers to carry waste away from the cities, using filtering systems in public baths to prevent diseases, and drained marshes to reduce the incidence of malaria.
  • 100 BCE


    hospitals began to develop when physicans cared for ill people in rooms of their homes
  • 300

    Average life span

    Average life span
    average life span was still 25-35 years of age.
  • 400

    Prohibited study of medicine and why?

    Prohibited study of medicine and why?
    a priority was placed on saving the soul, and the study of medicine was prohibited. prayer and divine intervention were utilized to treat illness and diseases.
  • Period: 400 to 800

    The Dark age

  • 500

    How did they treat diseases?

    How did they treat diseases?
    the medications that were given were a herbal mixture type, and the monks and priests provided custodial care for sick people
  • 600

    Average life span

    Average life span
    the life span unfortunately dropped back down to 20-30 years.
  • Period: 800 to 1400

    Middle age

  • 850

    Medical universities

    Medical universities
    physicians began gaining knowledge at medical universties in the 9th century
  • 900


    the pandemic of the bubonic plauge also known as the black death. it killed 3/4 of the population in countries such as Europe and Asia.
  • 910


    an arab physican whom became known as Arab Hippocrates.
  • 1000

    Average life span

    Average life span
    average life span was still average, 20-35 years.
  • Period: 1350 to


  • 1401


    it started the rebirth of the science of medicine
  • 1425


    they began dissecting the human body to get a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology.
  • 1450


    artsists like michelangelo and laenardo da vinci used dissection in order to draw out the human body and make it more realistic.
  • 1475

    average life span

    average life span
    increasing to 30-40 years
  • 1501

    cause of diseases

    cause of diseases
    the causes where still unknown at this point in time and many people where dying from infections and childbirth fever.
  • Period: 1501 to

    16th century

  • 1510

    father of modren surgery

    father of modren surgery
    Ambroise pare, a french surgeon whom was known as the father of modren surgrey he had did the following: he established the use of ligatures to bind arteries and stop bleeding and improved treatment of fractures and promoted use of artifical limbs.
  • 1523

    Gaberiel fallopius

    Gaberiel fallopius
    Gaberial identified the fallopian tubes in the female and described the tympanic membrane in the ear.
  • average life span

    average life span
    35-45 years was the new average
  • Period: to

    17th century

  • william harvey

    william harvey
    he described the circulation of blood to and from the heart
  • anaton van leeuwenhoek

    anaton van leeuwenhoek
    created a powerful lense to see closer then the bare human eye will ever see, so he invented the microscope
  • apothecaries

    an early pharmacist made, perscribed and sold medications
  • average life span

    average life span
    remained at 35-45 years
  • Average life span

    Average life span
    Average life span was 40-50 years
  • Period: to

    18th century

  • Gaberiel Fahrenheit

    Gaberiel Fahrenheit
    Created the first ever mecury thermometer
  • James Lind

    James Lind
    He perscribed lime juice contaning the vitamin C to prevnt scruvy
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    developed a vaccination to smallpox
  • Period: to

    19th century

  • Blood transfusion

    Blood transfusion
    the first ever successful blood transfusion was preformed on humans by James Blundell.
  • Elizabeth Blackwell

    Elizabeth Blackwell
    Became the first female Physican in the US
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    Theodor Fliedner started one of the first training programs for nurses in Germany and provided Florence Nightengale with her proper training.
  • American Red Cross

    American Red Cross
    Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross
  • William Roentgen

    William Roentgen
    Roentgen named it after themselves, the Roentgenograms, also known as a X-ray.
  • Aversge life Span

    Aversge life Span
    Average lifespan was 40 to 60 years.
  • Period: to

    20th century

  • Sir Alexander Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming
    discovered the widely used Penicillin
  • Open heart Surgery

    Open heart Surgery
    The first heart lung machine was used for the first open heart surgery.
  • Transplants

    The 4 biggest transplants included: A severed arm at the shoulder and was reattached, a liver transplant, a lung transplant and a successful heart transplant.
  • CAT scan

    CAT scan
    CAT scan or more defined as Computerized Axial Tomography, which helped with seeing what was inside the body without having to cut open the patient.
  • Test tube baby

    Test tube baby
    The first test tube baby was named Louise Brown and was born in England
  • Average life span

    Average life span
    Average life span is about the same as today (60-70 years) and will most likely increase as we go