Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early beginnings
3900 BCE
Diseases caused by
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick
They use tribal ceremonies to get rid of the evil spirits -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today
Digitalis- can be given by injection, intravenously, or pill form
Quinine- is from bark of the cinchona tree
Belladonna and atropine- from poisonous nightshade plant
Morphine- from opium poppy -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399 BCE
Ancient times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health records- keep accurate records
Who are physicians- priest
How did they heal- medicine -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Development of acupuncture- treat illnesses and diseases with stone tool -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Illnesses cause natural vs. spiritual- observed and searched new information that causes illnesses
Dissection- did not allow body’s to be dissected
Hippocrates- father of medicine -
Ancient Romans
Sanitation systems- clean water into cities, built sewers, built public baths and filtering systems
Organize medical care- kept rooms in houses for sick, sent medical equipment to care for wounded soldiers
Hospital development- public buildings were established -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark age
Stopped study of medicine
Why- believed life and death was in gods hands -
Treat disease
How- prayer, medication such as herbal mixtures -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle age
Caused millions of deaths, happened because people were not vaccinated -
Period: 1350 to
Universities- medical schools for research
Dissection- accepting dissection for study
Books- allowing more access to knowledge and research -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
Studied, recorded anatomy of body -
Gabrielle fallopius
Discovered fallopian tubes of females -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
Discovered tube from ear to throat -
William Harvey
Able to describe circulation of blood and pumping of heart -
Antoine von leeuwenhoek
Invented microscope, discovered there is life smaller than eye can see, found bacteria that causes tooth decay -
Early pharmacies, engaged in flourishing trade in drugs along with spices, came from the east -
Period: to
18th century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered bifocals, found cold can be passed person to person -
Medical students learning
Attended lectures in classes, observed patients at the bedside, dissected the body, observed disease process -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered element oxygen, plants refresh air -
Edward Jenner
Discovered method of vaccination for small pox -
Rene Leannec
Invented stethoscope -
Period: to
19th and 20th centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Identified cause of childbed fever -
Florence nightingale
Founder of modern nursing -
Louis Pasteur
Discovered that microorganisms are present everywhere. Father of microbiology -
Dmitri Ivanovski
Discovered some diseases can be caused by microorganisms. Called viruses. -
Joseph lister
First doctor to use antiseptic, discovered micro organisms caused infections -
Ernst von bergmann
Developed a way to keep area germ free before and during surgery. -
Robert Koch
Developed culture plate method. Introduced importance of cleanliness and sanitation this helps prevent spreading of diseases. -
Paul ehrlich
Discovered effect of medicine on disease causing microorganisms -
Wilhelm roentgen
Discovered x-rays in 1895 -
Loss of feeling or sensation -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Found penicillin killed life-threatening bacteria -
Sigmund freud
Discovered conscious and unconscious parts of mind. -
Gerard domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compounds. First medications effective to killing bacteria. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered a dead polio virus caused immunity to poliomyelitis. Paralyzed thousands adults and children. -
Albert Sabin
Used live polio virus vaccine, more effective. -
Francis crick and James Watson
Discovered molecular structure DNA. -
Christian Barnard
Performed first successful heart transplant -
Ben Carson
Performing hemispherectomies, surgery on brain to help stop seizures. -
Period: to
21st century
Advancements in medicines
Ability to transplant organs
Reattach severed body parts
Caring for unborn fetus
Gettin rid of disabling disease through genetic research
Noninvasive ways for diagnosis