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History of healthcare

  • 4000 BCE

    Primitive Times

    Primitive Times
    They believed that evil spirits would enter your body and make you sick. Tribal witch doctors would practice ceremonies to drive the spirits out of there body. They used herbs and morphine for some illnesses. They also used to drill a whole in your skull to relieve headaches, treat insanity, and epilepsy. The average life span was 20 years old. 4000-3000 BC
  • Period: 4000 BCE to

    History of healthcare czyzewski

  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians

    Ancient Egyptians
    Earliest people known to keep accurate health records. They looked up to gods to help with disease. Physicians were priests that went to medical school in a temple. They believed that the body system had channels and if they got clogged they would have to preform bloodletting or leaches to “ open the channels “. They also used magic and medicinal plants to treat disease. Average life span is 20-30 years. 3000-300 BC
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    They did not do dissections which made it hard for them to understand the human body structure. They would carefully check the pulse to determine the condition of the body. They believed to treat the whole body. They used acupuncture to relieve congestion. They looked for reasons of illnesses. They also would put a powder substance on the skin and burn it to cause a blister to treat disease. Average lifespan 20-30. 1700 BC-220 AD
  • 200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Began modern medical science by observing the human body and the effects of disease. biochemist Alchmaeon in the 6th century BC identified the brain as the phycological site of senses. Hippocrates is called the father of medicine. recorded signs and symptoms of disease. Aristotle dissected animals and is called the founder of comparative anatomy. believe illness is a result of natural causes. Stressed cleanliness/diet as ways to prevent disease. average lifespan 25-35 years. 1200-200 BC
  • 410

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    First organized healthcare was for injured soldiersHospitals slowly started to develop.Later hospitals were religious and held in monasteries. Began pubic health systems.Aqueducts were made to carry clean water to the cities. waste systems were also created. Drained trenches to help with malaria Filtered baths to help with disease. Claudias Galen a physician came up with many medical beliefs. dissected animals to find out the function of muscles,kidney, and bladder.Lifespan 25-35.753 BC-410 AD
  • 800

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    The study of medicine was prohibited. Prayer and divine was used to treat disease and illness. Monks and priest would care for sick people. Medication is mainly herbal mixtures. Average life span was 20-30 years. 400AD-800AD
  • 1400

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Started to use medical practices again. Physicians got there knowledge from colleges. The Black Plague came and killed 3/4 of the population of Europe and Asia. Smallpox, diphtheria, tuberculosis, typhoid, plague, and malaria were major diseases. Developed the know how of the difference of measles and small pox. Arabs began to have it so you needed a license and pass a exam to become a physician. Lifespan 20-35. 800AD-1400AD
  • Renaissance

    Dissection of the human body began to be able to learn more about the human body. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo drew the human body a lot more realistically. Invention of the printing press helped to spread knowledge to others. Michael Servetus described the circulatory system in the lungs. Roger Bacon promoted remedies to treat disease. Lifespan 30-40. 1350AD-1650AD
  • 16/17 Century

    16/17 Century
    Causes of diseases were still not known and many people died of puerperal. Ambroise Pare,French surgeon,known as the father of surgery.Used ligatures to stop bleeding and close arteries.Promoted the use of artificial limbs.Gabriel fallopius,identified the Fallopian tubes in females.Also described the tympanic membrane in the ear. William Harvey described the circulation of blood to and from the heart.The microscope was invented. Apothecaries,made, prescribed, and sold medication.Lifespan 35-45
  • 18 Century

    18 Century
    Joseph Priestley, discovered the element of oxygen. John hunter, a surgeon, introduces tube feeding. Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals for glasses. Edward Jenner developed a vaccination for smallpox. Lifespan 40-50.
  • 19 century

    19 century
    The first blood transfusion was preformed on humans by James Blundell. Elizabeth Blackwell became the first women physician in the United States. International Red Cross was founded. Started to use antiseptic to help with disease during surgeries. The American Red Cross was also founded. Created a vaccine for rabies. Discovered X-rays. Vaccine for the typhoid fever was developed. Life span 40-60.
  • 20 Century

    20 Century
    Dr Elie metchnikoff found that white blood cells protect against disease. Insulin was used to help treat diabetes. Health insurance came in 1920s. Penicillin was found by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928. HIV was identified to cause AIDS. Jonas Stalk developed the polio vaccine using the dead polio virus. Francis crick and James Watson described how the structure of DNA carries genetic information. Vaccines for hepatitis, smallpox, and herpes simplex were found in the 1980s. Average lifespan 60-70