Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early BEginnings
3900 BCE
Disease caused by
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for the sick
Trephining: a tribal doctor removes the cranium to exorcise demons.
Used herbs and plants as medicine -
3100 BCE
Medicine used today
Digitalis: to treat heart conditions
Quinine: controls fever, muscle spasms, and prevents malaria
Belladonna and atropine: relieves muscle spasms and gastrointestinal pain.
Morphine: treats severe pain. -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health Records: kept accurate health records based on superstition and identified diseases.
Physicians are priests. They healed using medicine, splinting fractures, and used bloodletting. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Development of acupuncture: learned to treat illnesses with stone tools -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
- Illness cause Nature vs. Spiritual: considered medicine an art; first to study the cause of disease and determine the cause is physical. Hippocrates(the father of medicine) brought about the dissection of bodies.
Ancient Romans
- Sanitation systems: wore death masks to prevent contraction of infection and bad odor.s
- First to organize medical care and provide medical equipment with their armies to care for soldiers.
- Hospital development: public buildings for the sick were established.
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
Stopped the study of medicine
The Roman Empire was conquered by the Huns (nomads from the north) -
How did they treat diseases?
They used prayer and herbal mixtures. -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
The bubonic plague (Black Death), smallpox, diphtheria, syphilis, and tuberculosis. -
Period: 1350 to
- Universities: used for research
- Dissection of the body was finally accepted
- Books: promoted by the printing press allowed greater access to knowledge
Period: 1500 to
16th and 17th centuries
Leonardo Da Vinci
Studied and recorded the anatomy of the human body -
Gabrielle Fallopius
Discovered the fallopian tubes of the female body. -
Barthalommeo Eustachio
Discovered the Eustachian tube; leading from the ear to the throat. -
William Harvey
Used Da Vinci’s knowledge of anatomy to understand physiology, and was able to understand the circulation of the blood and the pumping of the heart. -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
Invented the microscope; scraped his tooth and found the bacteria that causes tooth decay. -
Early pharmacies that engaged in trade of goods and spices from the East. -
Period: to
18th century
Benjamin Franklin
Discovered bifocals and found that colds are transferable. -
Medical students learning
Students attended lectures in the classroom, laboratory, observed patients, and were able to dissect bodies. -
Joseph Priestley
Discovered the element oxygen, plants refresh air lacking oxygen and that it is essential for respiration. -
Edward Jenner
Discovered the concept of vaccination for smallpox that led to immunization and preventive medicine in public health. -
Rene Laennec
Invented the stethoscope that allowed doctors to hear the heart and lungs, allowing doctors to determine if a disease was present. -
Period: to
19th and 20th centuries
Ignaz Semmelweis
Identified the cause of childbed fever (puerperal fever), of which physicians did not was their hands. This brought hand washing and cleanliness as an accepted practice. -
Florence Nightingale
Attracted well-educated, dedicated women to the Nightingale School of Nursing of which it became a respectable profession. -
Louis Pasteur
The father of microbiology, he proved that microorganisms cause disease. -
Dmitri Ivanovski
Discovered that some diseases are caused by microorganisms that cannot be seen with a microscope called viruses. Diseases caused by viruses include poliomyelitis, rabies, measles, influenza, chicken pox, German measles, herpes zoster, and mumps. -
Joseph Lister
Joseph used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs that cause infection, and became the first doctor to use an antiseptic during surgery. -
Ernst von Bergmnann
Ernst developed asepsis, as a result of a method he developed to keep an area germ-free before and during surgery. -
Robert Koch
Discovered organisms that cause disease, developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens, and isolated the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Introduced the importance of cleanliness and sanitation in preventing the spread of disease. -
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered effect of medicine in disease causing microorganisms. His discoveries brought the use of chemicals to fight disease. On his 600th experiment he found a treatment that worked. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
Discovered x-rays in 1895, and allowed doctors to see the inside of the body which helped them discover what was wrong with the patient. -
Nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform were discovered that put people into a deep sleep so they don’t experience pain during surgery. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Discovered that penicillin killed life-threatening bacteria. Prior to this, people died of pneumonia, gonorrhea, and blood poisoning. -
Sigmund Freud
Discovered the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind and determined that the mind and the body work together, which led to the understanding of psychosomatic illness. -
Gerhard Domagk
Discovered sulfonamide compounds that were the first medications effective in killing bacteria. Changed the practice of medicine by killing deadly diseases. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would lead to immunity to poliomyelitis. -
Albert Sabin
Used a live polio virus (more effective). Used today to immunize babies against diseases. -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Discovered the molecular structure of DNA, and explained how DNA replicates and how hereditary informations is coded on it. -
Christian Barnard
Performed the first successful heart transplant. -
Ben Carson
A pioneer in separating Siamese twins and performing hemispherectomies ( surgeries on the brain to stop seizures). -
Period: to
21st century
The possibility of eliminating disabling disease through genetic research.
Portable and handheld computers to aid in diagnosis
The ability to reattach severed body parts
The ability to use noninvasive techniques for diagnosis
Caring for the unborn fetus