History of Healthcare

  • Period: 200 to

    Medical Healthcare

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle ages

  • Sep 9, 1000

    The Barber Surgen

    The Barber Surgen
    Barber sugens are allowed to preform surgeries and cut your hair.
  • Sep 9, 1100

    Medical care regulation

    Medical care regulation
    After formal training with and experenced doctor and a couple weeks of training anyone could be a doctor.
  • Sep 9, 1100

    Causes of diseases

    Causes of diseases
    No one knew what caused diseases the roman catholic church said they were a punishment from God for sinful behaviour. However, some progress was made in certain areas.
  • Sep 9, 1200

    Religon and Medicane

    Religon and Medicane
    Christian and muslim teachings were based on Koran and taught socail resoponseablilites such as the rich can help the poor
  • Sep 9, 1200

    "Medical schools"

    "Medical schools"
    in western europe schools opened up for medical personal that could be classified as a college
  • Period: Sep 9, 1300 to


  • Sep 9, 1400

    printing press

    printing press
    allowed doctors to print book to train and to trade with other docotrs
  • Sep 9, 1500

    scientific method

    scientific method
    Allowed an actual process to be used to evaluate and inquire new knowlige.
  • Sep 9, 1545


    prostetics were thought to come in this erea to help those who had been amputated help walk (mostly for people with no legs)
  • Sep 9, 1550

    syphilis seeds

    syphilis seeds
    a inaccurate accuzation was made. doctors thought that disesases were spread by little disease seeds and that that was the main cause of the spread of syphillis
  • Microscope

    allowed doctors to make accurate obsevations of patienst and symptoms
  • Human anatomy tests began

    Human anatomy tests began
    Thes inhumanie investigations were forbiden in the past but helped correct many belifes and help the unknown become known
  • Period: to

    The Industrial Revolution

  • disinfectans started appearing

    disinfectans started appearing
    doctors started disinfeating instuments and hands with soap before opperations
  • Health and the enviornment

    Health and the enviornment
    A connection was made between the enviornment and the bacteria involed
  • anestetics

    The use of anestetics began showing up to make for a painless surgery
  • Stephascope

    the invention of this device helped us listen to hearts
  • Microbiology

    tests strarted regarding the beginnings of microbiology
  • blood vessels

    blood vessels
    Doctors knew that the blood was carried threw our body in large vessles bith they did not know how the blood circulated threw our body
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Antibiotics

    Helped us fight infections and keep us from getting them
  • X-rays

    Helped us look into a body without the risk of infection that would possibly come if they were to make an incison
  • electronics

    helped us organize and keep records better
  • ultrasound and sonographs

    helped us imagine the disedes and treatments for many diseses
  • In Vitro fertrization

    Has helped many infertal couples have childern
  • Organ transplant

    Helped us treanspant organs safely and efficantly
  • Smallpox and measles are diffrent

    Smallpox and measles are diffrent
    Measles were found to be treated and vacinated diffrently than that of smallpox