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History of Medicine

  • 1347 BCE

    Disease Outbreak

    The Black Plague was a deadly disease. The disease was transfered from rats that were on the ships to Europe. It killed 75 to 200 million people.
  • Period: 500 BCE to

    The Middle Ages

  • 20 BCE

    Surgeons Bore Holes into Heads

    Surgeons Bore Holes into Heads
    Surgeons practiced creating holes in patients brains. This help with epilepsy, migraines, and mental illnesses.
  • 20 BCE

    Thomas Becket's Shrine

    Thomas Becket's Shrine
    Visiting his shrine made people believe that their illnesses would go away.
  • 20 BCE


    Rosemaries were believed to be remedy plants. They were used to cure illnesses and keep a person healthy.
  • Period: 500 to 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 659

    Dental Almagams

    Dental Almagams
    Silver and tin were used to fill tooths. It was the first substance method of tooth fillings used in China.
  • 754


    The first pharmacy was founded in Baghdad by an Arabic Medivelist. He said it was the place to discover the art of medicine.
  • 1140

    Roger of Sicily

    He forbade anyone from practicing medicine without a license, indicating that doctors were under some form of regulation.
  • 1200

    Ophthalmology and optics

    Arabic physician were the first to create a syringe to extract a cataract from the eye.
  • 1300

    Antiseptic Method

    Early age people discovered that sterilizing wounds healed them faster. In the middle age people used bandages soaked in wine to clean wounds.
  • Period: 1301 to


  • 1305


    It is uncertain who invented glasses, but Giordano da Pisa took on the art of creating eyeglasses. Which soon were discovered to improve vision.
  • 1315

    Anatomy & Dissection

    Anatomy & Dissection
    Mondino de Luzzi conducted a public dissection for his students and spectators. He later wrote a book that is considered to be the first modern dissection manual.
  • 1347

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    Over 20 million Europeans died from a disease that was carried from rats. People had blood and pus coming out of their bodies; and suffered from painful aches and pains. Along with nonstop vomiting and diarrhea, soon followed a short death.
  • 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci

    He was an expert in anatomy, he dissected human corpses to study tendons, bones, and muscles. He was permitted to study human corpses in some hospitals by dissecting them.
  • 1515

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    confirmed the pulmonary circulation on vivisection. He also discovered that the heart's four valves permitted flow of blood in one direction only.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Edward Anthony Jenner

    English doctor and scientist, known as the pioneer of vaccinations. He created the smallpox vaccine.
  • Ambulance

    A Frenchman named Dominique-Jean Larrey created an ambulance service for wounded men.
  • Electricity & Nerves

    Electricity & Nerves
    Luigi Galvani discovered that frogs legs twitch if given an electric shock, showing that electricity plays a part in the nervous system.
  • Cholera

    Many places in Europe were struck by Cholera, which happened to be one of the most sickly unknown diseases. Caused by contaminated water.
  • Joseph Lister

    He discovered antiseptic surgery, which enabled surgeons to perform many more complicated operations.
  • Human Genome Project

    Mapping of the physical genes that make up the human body. By identifying and mapping all the genes that make us up, and by studying their structure and organization the project aid science in further understanding the role of genes in human growth and development.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Deaf

    Genetic defect that appears to cause deafness is identified
  • Raymond Stevens

    Raymond Stevens and his team created a diagnostic test that allows for the instantaneous detection of the toxic strain of E. Coli Bacteria, 0157:H7.
  • First Artificial Chromosome

    First Artificial Chromosome
    Through a combination of natural and synthetic DNA the first human artificial chromosome is created.
  • Lyme Disease

    The first vaccine for Lyme Disease was discovered.
  • Viagra

    A pill that was used to help assist a male during intercourse.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Minimally Invasive Incisioins

    The new technique helped reduced large scaring on patients. It also helped surgeons go in more safely.
  • 3D Printed Body Parts

    Scientists have successfully created human body parts using 3D printers.
  • Bionic Eye

    Bionic Eye
    The artificial eye uses a camera set into the user’s glasses, and the camera then transmits electrical messages wirelessly into the user’s retinal implant.
  • Da Vinci System

    Da Vinci System
    The da Vinci System has been used on more than 3 million patients globally. Approaches to surgery are less invasive and faster, and are often associated with improved clinical outcomes, such as decreased recovery time and reduced pain.
  • E-Cig Campaigns

    E-Cig Campaigns
    People are advocating that E-Cigs aren't a healthier alternative to cigarrettes. Instead they are worse, and have much bigger health consequences.