History Of Healthcare

  • 4000 BCE

    Ancient Times (4000Bc--3000Bc)

    Ancient Times (4000Bc--3000Bc)
    They believed that illness and disease was created by supernatural spirits and demons; Trepanation (Boring a hole into the scull) was used to treat insanity and epilepsy; Average life span was 20 years
  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians (3000Bc--300Bc)

    Ancient Egyptians (3000Bc--300Bc)
    Earliest people to maintain accurate health records
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese (1700Bc--220Ad)

    Ancient Chinese (1700Bc--220Ad)
    Average lifespan was 20 to 30 years; Religious prohibitions against dissection resulted in inadequate knowledge of body structure; used moxibustion(a treatment in which powdered substance is placed on the skin and then burned to cause a blister) to treat disease
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks (1200Bc-200Bc)

    Ancient Greeks (1200Bc-200Bc)
    Began modern science by observing the human body and effects of disease; Believed illness was a result of natural causes
  • 460 BCE


    Known as "The father of medicne); Developed a organized method to observe the human body; Recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases
  • 129

    Claudius Galen(129-199?Ad)

    Claudius Galen(129-199?Ad)
    A physicians who established body regulated by four fluid: blood,phlegm,black bite, and yellow bite; Dissected animals and determined functions of muscles, kidney and bladder
  • 753

    Ancient Romans(753Bc-410Ad)

    Ancient Romans(753Bc-410Ad)
    First to organize medical care by providing care for injured soldiers; Created ad to carry clean water to the cities; Built sewers to carry waste materials away from the cities
  • 800

    Dark ages (400-800Ad)

    Dark ages (400-800Ad)
    Prayer and divine intervention were used to treat illness and disease ; Medications were mainly herbal mixtures
  • 800

    Middle ages (800-1400Ad)

    Middle ages (800-1400Ad)
    Physicians began to obtain knowledge at medical universities; A pandemic of the bubonic plague killed 3 quarters of the population
  • 910


    Based diagnoses on observations of the signs and symptoms of disease; Developed criteria for distinguishing between smallpox and measles in 910AD
  • 1350

    Renaissance (1350-1650Ad)

    Renaissance (1350-1650Ad)
    Dissection of the body began to allow a better understanding of anatomy and physiology; Development of the printing press allowed knowledge to be more easily spread to others
  • 1510

    Ambroise Pare' (1510-2590)

    Ambroise Pare' (1510-2590)
    Established the use of ligatures to bind arteries and stop bleeding; Promoted use of artificial limbs; Eliminated the use of boiling oil to cauterize wounds
  • Anton van leeuwenhoek (1623-1723)

    Anton van leeuwenhoek (1623-1723)
    Was called the "father of microbiology); he learned to grind lenses and make simple microscopes to use while examining the thread densities of materials
  • Rene Laennec (1781-1826)

    Rene Laennec (1781-1826)
    Was called the "father of pulmonary diseases"; He invented the stethoscope which began as a piece of rolled paper an evolved into a wooden tube that physicians inserted into there ears
  • Florence nightingale (1820-1910)

    Florence nightingale (1820-1910)
    Known as the founder of modern nursing; led 38 nurses to serve in the Crimean war; fought for the reform of the military hospitals and for improved medical care
  • Clara Burton (1821-1912)

    Clara Burton (1821-1912)
    Founder of the american red cross; during the civil war, she volunteered to provide aid to wounded soldiers;
  • Louis Pasteur ( 1822-1895)

    Louis Pasteur ( 1822-1895)
    Was called the "father of microbiological sciences an immunology"; developed the germ theory; discovered the process of pasteurization, vaccination, and fermentation
  • Francis Crick and James Watson

    Francis Crick and James Watson
    Shared a Nobel Piece Prize in 1962 with Maurice Wilkins for discovering the structure of DNA; built a three-dimension model of the molecules of DNA to assist them in discovering its structure
  • Benjamin Carson

    Benjamin Carson
    Became famous for his landmark surgeries to separate conjoined twins
  • 21st century

    21st century
    In 2014 surgeons in the Netherlands used a 3-D printer to create a custom made skull that was used to complete a skull transplant;