
History of Healthcare

  • 2635 BCE


    Imhotep is recognized as the first physician in history. He helped the study of medicine get started.
  • 1500 BCE

    Egyptians maintain accurate health recods

    Egyptians maintain accurate health recods
    Egyptians maintaining an accurate health record was very important. It allowed them to maintain knowledge and discover causes and cures.
  • 500 BCE

    China uses moxibustion

    China uses moxibustion
    Before the development of modern medicine, people in ancient china used a treatment called moxibustion in which a powdered substance is placed on the skin and then burns to make a blister. This was very important as it was one of the first actually effective treatments in ancient times.
  • 460 BCE


    Hippocrates is known as the father of medicine. He founded the hippocratic oath, stressed the importance of diagnosis and treatment, founded a medical school, and proclaimed the importance of wellness.
  • 384 BCE


    Aristotle is known not only for his philosophical beliefs, but also his contribution to the advancement of medicine. He dissected animals and discovered more about anatomy and how bodies work.
  • 312 BCE

    Romans create aqueducts

    Romans create aqueducts
    The Romans revolutionized public health and sanitary systems. Aqueducts were used to carry clean water to other cities, which drastically decreased conditions and diseases caused by dirty water.
  • 129 BCE

    Claudius Galen

    Claudius Galen
    Claudius Galen was an ancient Roman physician who established many medical beliefs.
  • 854


    Rhazes is known as the Arab Hippocrates. He was crucial to the development of modern medicine.
  • 910

    criteria for distinguishing smallpox and measles is created

    criteria for distinguishing smallpox and measles is created
    During the middle ages, a physician by the name of Rhazes made a list of criteria to help doctors know whether their patient is suffering from the measles and smallpox. This helped in many ways, it prioritized diagnosis, helped doctors know how to treat their patients, and helped control the diseases.
  • 1214

    Roger Bacon

    Roger Bacon
    Roger Bacon promoted chemical treatments for diseases. This opened the door for many more types of remedies and medications.
  • 1350

    Human dissection

    Human dissection
    Once human dissection was allowed, the amount of knowledge about the human body and medicine increased like never before. Although unacceptable before this time, human dissection was necessary for the development of modern medicine.
  • 1510

    Ambroise Pare

    Ambroise Pare
    Known as the father of modern surgery, Pare inventing many modern practices still used today. He invented the idea of sutures, promoted the use of artificial limbs, improved treatment of fractures, and eliminated the use of boiling oil to cauterize wounds.
  • Mercury Thermometer

    Mercury Thermometer
    In 1714, Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer that would be used for the next century to take temperatures and help diagnose patients.
  • Discovery of the Smallpox Vaccine

    Discovery of the Smallpox Vaccine
  • Florence Nightengale

    Florence Nightengale
    Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing. She set up professional education for nurses and established efficient and sanitary nursing units during the Crimean war.
  • The Red Cross

    The Red Cross
    In 1881, Clara Barton founded the american red cross. This foundation is still alive today, and it helps many people become certified health care workers and helps educate the public.
  • antipsychotics

    Before this time, there wasn't really a way to treat the mentally ill. All doctors specialized in curing diseases of the body not the mind. But, after this discovery, medical treatment with those suffering from mental illness became more popular.
  • DNA identified as a double helix

    DNA identified as a double helix
    This discovery allowed scientists to learn about how are body works and what distinctiveness us from others. The discovery of the double helix is often credited to Watson and Crick, but in reality Rosalind Franklin discovered it.
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Dr. Williams DeVries implanted the first ever artificial heart into a patient in 1982.Although he only lived 112 days after the surgery, it was still an amazing accomplished that helped the development of artificial organs move forward.

    In 1996, president Clinton signed the health insurance portability and accountability act to protect patient privacy and make it easier to obtain health insurance.