Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early beginnings
3900 BCE
Diseases caused by
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for the sick?
Tribal ceremonies to evict evil spirits. -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today.
Digitalis: people chewed foxglove plants to slow down heart beat
Quinine come from the bark of the cinchona tree it controls fever relieves muscle spasms and helps prevent malaria
Belladonna and atropine made from poisonous nightshade plant helps with stomach aches
Morphine is made from the opium poppy. Great for treating severe pain only used when nothing else works. -
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health records
Egyptians kept accurate health records.
The priests acted as physicians.
Called the gods to heal them and medicine but mainly blood letting. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
Development of acupuncture
Learned to treat variety of illnesses and diseases with stone tools. -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Illness cause nature vs spiritual
First to discover modern day mental illness.
Religious customs did not allow bodies to dissect.
Used hit knowledge on anatomy and took notes on signs and symptoms of many diseases. -
100 BCE
Ancient Romans
Sanitation systems
Built public bathrooms and filtering systems
Organize Medicare
Kept a room in their houses for the I’ll started hospitals
Hospital development
Physicians were paid by the Roman government -
Stopped the study of medicine why?
Only practice for certain reasons for 1,000 years -
How do they treat disease?
Herbal mixtures -
Black plague killed 60 million people during that time. -
Building of universities for medical research
the acceptance of dissection of the body for study
development of the printing press and books allowing more research -
leonardo da vinci
leonardo studied and recorded anatomy of the human body -
gabriele fallpoius
discoverd the follopian tubes -
bartolommeo eustachio
discoverd the tube leading from the ears to the throat -
william harvey
able to describe the circulation of blood and pumping of the heart -
antonie von leeuwenhoek
discoverd the microscope and how germs cause disease -
start of pharmacies and trade in drugs and spices -
Ben franklin
discoverd that colds could spread from person to person -
Medical students learning
attended classes, observed patients bed side and dissected them after death -
Joseph priestley
discoverd element oxygen and that plants refresh air making it usable for resperation -
edward jenner
discoverd vaccination for small pox -
rene laennec
invented the stethoscope -
ignaz semmelweis
Discoverd that handing is a important way to control the spread of infection -
florence nightingale
opposed intrest in caring for ill -
louis pasteur
discoverd that microorganisms were everywhere and that heated milk prevented bacteria -
dmitri lvanovski
discoverd viruses -
joseph lister
used carbolic acid the prevent infection -
ernst von bergmann
discoverd a way to make a germ free area for surgery -
robert koch
preached the importance of cleanleyness -
paul ehrlich
discoverd the effectof medicien on diesease causeing microorganisms -
wihelm roentgen
discoverd x rays -
early anesthesia was herbs and alcohol but paitines would die from shock and pain -
sir alexander fleming
discoverd penicillin killed life threating bacteria -
sigmund freud
discoverd conciencnes and unconcesness -
gerhard domagk
discoverd sulfonamide compounds those medications were effective in killing bacteria -
jonas sulk
discoverd a dead polio virus could cause immunity to poliomyelitis -
albert salin
used a live polio virus vaccine which is more effective -
francis crick and james watson
discoverd the molecular structure of dna -
christan benard
performed first secsesful heart trans plant -
ben carson
continues surgeris on the brain to stop siezurs -
cyber knife
better way for surgeries with no cuts and risk of infection -
artifical organs
3d printing organs like eyes and heart -
controling heart diesease
the use of smart watches to monitor your hearts rhythm -
3d printing body parts
new prostetics that can keep cell structure -
Hiv treatmnents
combined 4 treatments into one