Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early beginnings
3900 BCE
Disease caused by?
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick?
They use tribal ceremonies to get rid of the evil spirits -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today
Digitalis is now given as a pill or is injected.
Quinine controls fevers, prevents malaria, and relieves muscle spasms.
Belladonna and atropine it relieves muscle spasm.
Morphine try’s treating severe pain. -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Egyptians were the ones that new how to keep the health records the best.
Physicians used medicines to heal diseases.
They used leeches as a treatment to help jealous skin grafts. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
They were the first to use primitive acupuncture therapies. -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
Medicine was an art in their world they has a temple of healing were they study the sickness is may come natural causes and not spirts. They had records on what it might be and would search for the information. -
Ancient Romans
Romans were the first organized medical care. They sent medical equipment and physicians to the army to help with the wounded soldiers. This was the beginning of public hospitals. Roman physicians wore death mask, and they believed that it protected them from bad orders and infections. -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark age
Stopped the study of medicine, why?
Because the church’s believed that life or death was in gods hands -
How do they treat diseases
they use vaccines to treat the diseases -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle age
Epidemics cause millions of deaths. Other diseases included diphtheria, smallpox, syphilis, and tuberculosis, but these aren’t always life threatening anymore. -
Period: 1350 to
The renaissance saw rebirth as learning, because during this period new scientific progress began.
The acceptance of disease of the body for study.
They developed the printing press and started publishing books. -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
he studied and recorded the anatomy of the body. -
Gabrielle Fallopius
He discovered the fallopian tubed of the female anatomy -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
discovered the Eustachian tube which leads from your ear to your throat. -
William Harvey
He used his knowledge to be able to understand the physiology, and was able to describe the circle of the blood and the lumping to the heart -
Antonio von Leeuwenhoek
He invented the microscope -
This was just like a pharmacy but in England they apothecaries engaged in a flourishing trade in drugs and spice to the east. -
Period: to
18th century
Benjamin Franklin
He discovered bifocals. He also found out colds can be passed on to different people -
Medical students learning
Students didnt just get lectures in class they also had to observe patients, and when a patient dies they have to dissect and observe the disease they had. -
Joseph Priestley
He discovered oxygen and he also discovered that oxygen from plants -
Edward Jenner
Discovered the method of vaccination for smallpox -
Rene Laennec
he invented the stethoscope, and the first one was wooden.
The stethoscope increased it to were it was better to hear the heart, and lung allowing the doctors to find out if you had any health problems -
Period: to
19th and 20th centuries
Florence Nightingale
She helped soldier's that were injured and then moved up to the hospitals which she made better sanitation and construction and managements of hospitals. -
Ignaz Semmelweis
He figured out the causes of childbed fever. Large amounts of woman died from this fever after giving birth -
Louis Pasteur
Known as “father of microbiology” because he had discovered that tiny microorganisms were all over. He did many experiments to prove that microorganisms cause diseases -
Dmitri ivanovski
Discovered some diseases are caused by microorganisms that cant be seen in the microscope -
Joseph lister
He found out that Louis Pastuer’s discovery about the microorganisms cause infections. So he used carbolic acid on wounds to kill germs, he was also the first antiseptic during surgery. -
Ernst von Bergmann
He developed asepsis. He developed a method to make sure that the areas are germ free during surgery’s. -
Robert Koch
Found /out about the many diseases causing organisms. He also came up with the importance in cleaning and sanitation to prevent the spread of sicknesses. -
Paul ehrlich
Discovered the effect of medicine on the disease causing microorganisms -
Wihelm roentgen
He had discovered x-rays in 1895, and the very first picture taken on the x-ray was of his wife’s hand. -
Before they used anesthesia they would choke them so they would go unconsciousness so they wouldn't feel anything during surgeries -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Found out that penicillin kills life threatening diseases -
Sigmund freud
He found out about conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. -
Gerhard domagk
discovered sulfonamide compounds, and those medications were the first to actually kill bacteria. -
Jonas Salk
Discovered that a dead polio virus would cause immunity to poliomyelitis -
Albert Sabin
Used a live polio virus vaccine which is more effective to the immune system -
Francis crick and James Watson
They discovered the molecular structure for DNA based on its known double helix -
Christian Barnard
Was the first one to be successful in a heart transplant -
Ben Carson
He continues to preform surgeries on brains to stop seizures -
5 advancements
-HIV Treatments- reduces the amount of HIV thats in your body so your healthier
-Functional MRI- a technique that measures your brain and maps out all the bad stuff to make sure your healthy
-Controlling Heart Disease- lower you blood sugar levels
-Targeted Therapy in Cancer Treatment- use drugs or many other things to attack the type of cancer cells
-artificial organisms- they are designed for people who need things that you may need to live but people may not be able to donate -
Period: to
21st century