• 3500 BCE

    Herbs and Plants being used as medicine

    Herbs and Plants being used as medicine
    In primitive times, Herbs and Plants were used as medicine. I think that this is very important because this is the starting point of all of our uses of medicine.
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Egyptians and maintaining health records

    Ancient Egyptians and maintaining health records
    The Ancient Egyptians were the first people on record, to maintain medical records. This is significant to the advancement of medicine because without medical records, it would be hard to find past probles with patients which could possibly help figure out what was wrong with them.
  • 377 BCE

    Hippocrates, "Father of Medicine"

    Hippocrates, "Father of Medicine"
    Hippocrates was the first man to create a high standard of ethics which many physicians still use today. He recorded signs and symptoms of disease, and developed and organized method to observe the human body.
  • 410

    Ancient Romans, use of public health and sanitary systems

    Ancient Romans, use of public health and sanitary systems
    The start of the use of public sanitation was very good, making it easier for people to stay healthy. This started the use of sewage systems, filtering systems, carried clean water throughout the city,and drained marshes to reduce the incidence of malaria.
  • 1350

    Middle Ages, The Bubonic Plague

    Middle Ages, The Bubonic Plague
    The Bubonic Plague was a huge set back for the human population, but we learned a lot from it. The Plague Doctors who would wear the beak masks, gloves, and protective equipment were ahead of their time, learning how to protect ourselves from disease.
  • 1400

    Renaissance, Dissection of the Human Body

    Renaissance, Dissection of the Human Body
    During the Renaissance era, we started to dissect the human body. The ability to dissect the human boy gave us a lot more of an understanding of whats inside the human body, and how tumors/disease can look, as well as human organs to learn the functions of each organ.
  • 1550

    16th - 17th Century

    16th - 17th Century
    During the 16th - 17th centuries, medical care was starting to improve in many ways. Treatment of fractures improved, use of ligatures to blind arteries to stop bleeding, and The first blood transfusion was performed on animals in England. William Harvey was also important because he described circulation of blood to and from the heart
  • 18th century

    18th century
    During the 18th Century, many more surgical procedures were introduced. There was also the introduction of tube feeding in 1778. Many people made many discoveries in this time period. Dr Jesse Bennett performed the first C-section, Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer, and Joseph Priestley discovered the element of Oxygen.
  • James Blundell

    James Blundell
    James Blundell as the first doctor to perform a blood transfusion on a human. Him doing this gave us a lot of knowledge about blood and blood types.
  • American Medical Association

    American Medical Association
    The American Medical Association was founded in 1847 in Philidelphia. Without the AMA today, we would most likely not have healthcare.
  • International Red Cross

    International Red Cross
    The International Red Cross was founded in 1863. The purpose of the international red cross is to protect victims of war and armed conflicts.
  • Wilhelm Roentgen

    Wilhelm Roentgen
    Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the roentgenograms, or x-rays, in 1895. This is significant because with x-rays, we can see inside the human body without having to cut inside/dissect the body.
  • Joseph Murray

    Joseph Murray
    Joseph Murray performed the first kidney transplant. Without this precedent of an event, many other transplants would not be performed.
  • Birth Control Pills approved

    Birth Control Pills approved
    The passing of Birth Control Pills being approved were significant to women, which can regulate menstrual cycles and many other factors
  • OSHA

    In 1970, the US Congress founded the Occupational Safety and Health association. This is important because OSHA enforced for doctors and nurses to have proper safety equipment.
  • Discovery of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

    Discovery of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
    The discovery of the HIV Virus helped us eliminate transmission of the virus and help us find prevention for the disease.
  • The Patient Self Determination Act

    The Patient Self Determination Act
    In this act, Doctors are required to inform patients their rights to make their medical decisions. This was significant because patients were allowed to make their own decisions.
  • Da Vinci

    Da Vinci
    Da vinci was a robotic surgical system. This was important because it shows us how we advance in technology and how the future of medical care will be in technologies hands.
  • Chemo-Bath

    The chemo bath was a way to treat cancer. It is important because it comes very close for us to find a cure for cancer. it isolates blood supply to the liver while delivering toxic cancer drugs to treat liver cancer without affecting the rest of the body.
  • Skull Transplant

    Skull Transplant
    In 2014, surgeons used a custom 3D printed skull for a skull transplant. This was important because it shows our technology and how easily we can do transplants now.