History of Health Care Timeline

  • 200

    Christian and Muslims

    The Christian and Muslim religions made it very clear to their people that medical needs were essential,they took the practice and sstudying of the medical field very seriously and worked very hard to make it all count, just to make sure people were okay.
  • 200

    Barber Shops

    Barbers started to cut peoples hair, and then once the shops started becoming popular the pole suddenly became a symbol advertising that there was a barber shop at that location or nearby.
  • Period: 200 to

    Histpry Of Medical Field

  • Period: 200 to Dec 31, 1500

    Middle Ages

  • 500

    Records start

    Records start
    The doctors began taking medical notes, records of their patients, that was imoortant to see how diseases and outbreaks continue or repeat themsleves, it gives an idea of how certain disesases made people feel or react and what kinds of medicinces treated the patients early on in life.
  • Dec 25, 1100

    Medical Care Required

    Medical care is required for patients in need, it becomes a legal law that people who are suffering need help. This becomes very beneficial to the world later on.
  • Aug 9, 1350

    Christian monasteries founded to treat the ill,

    Christian monasteries founded to treat the ill, these places were used to help people heal. Using the people around them to help them get better.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The scientist began to use the scientific method to conduct experiments witha better process. This method allowed them to repeat the same steps each time getting more accurate results on the outcome of their experiment.
  • Anatomical Practice

    Doctors were allowed to get a closer look but practcing anatomical surgeries. By doing this doctors could get a better understanding of what the human body was all about and how it functioned at a closer look, without guessing.
  • Reflecting Mircorscope

    Robert Hooke designs the worlds very first reflective microscope, making it very easy for the human eye to see visual images at a highly magnifined zoom. Allowing scientist to get a closer look at tiny detail to organisms.
  • Pinting Press

    The printing press created many wonderful things, in the medical field it allowed doctors, nurses and other employers to advertise their business and show that if you needed assistance where and whom to go. The printing press could also provide ads for updates on what new technoloy would be used on patients and what the invention could cure.
  • Bacteria

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek describes to other scientist bacteria. He further proceeded to explain how bacteria was spread and could potentially contaminate others if the bacteria was harmful.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner discovered that milkmaids were not getting small pox just because they had cow pox. In 1796 he began injections with fluid from cow pox blisters, this was otherwise known as the first vaccine. Vaccines became very useful after this, it made it easy to treat patients if you knew what their diagnosess was.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revouloution

  • Capillaries

    Doctors in this time period were aware that blood traveled through blood vessels, however they were confused as to how it was circulated. Capillaries then were discovered, telling and explaining how blood is circulated.
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph insists on using carbolic soap to disinfect instruments for patients as well as sanitizing our hands. This method of sanitation was used to prevent spread of infection. The term of cleaning intrusments to prevent infection is now called medical asepsis.
  • Robert Koch

    Robert discovers that pathogens are diease producing microorganisms. This discovery later lead to bacteriology. This discovery is significant because it gives us a good understanding of how bacteria and germs can spread so easily in our daily lives.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • X-Rays

    X-Rays became a significant part of technology. We could see how patients bones and their insides were growing or even if they were broken, or for that matter, any problems with their body.
  • Ultra Sounds

    Many doctors begin to use sonograms and ultra sounds, not onky for pregnant people but also for problems with in the stomach and inner organs. This system is still very common today, it allows doctors to hear and see with high tech devices what is going on insde of your body, If youre pregnant this device will come in extreme help when you go for monthly check ups, allowing yout o see your baby and hear its heart beat.
  • Alexander Fleming

    Alexander finds a discovery of penicilin. Penicilin is very common in medicines, treating patients to the best of its abilities to kill fungi and diseases,
  • In Vitro Fertalization

    Many couples who try to have a child with a nonfertile woman use this method. It allows an egg to develop without intercourse. Using both the parents genes, this very special process is great for people who are trying to get pregnant but can not.
  • Anesthetics

    Anesthetics began being used during this time period. These made patients feel better, no one wanted to have suregery and be miserable after for 2 or 3 days, the anesthetics would allow pain to go away. It could also allow an easier medical procedure for instance the patient could be allowed to be "put to sleep" so there was a less pain tolerance and the doctors could practice a normal procedure.
  • Organ Transplants

    Many people are born with birth deffects such as organs, If youre on of the lucky people diagnosed with an organ defect can get a transplant. Although this process is very expenisve it can save lives like crazy, however there are many requirements to have an organ transplant, many health isssues can occur, One big thing is both people must have the same blood type, no sorts or diseases such as HIV's or AIDS.
  • Difference between smallpox and measles

    Rhazes discovered difference between smallpox and measles, they both look the exact same at first, and then one becomes more rash like.