4000 BCE
Primitive times
people belived that illness and disease were caused by supernatural spirits and demons. -
1200 BCE
Ancient Greeks
The greeks began modern medical science by observing the human body and effects of disease -
Rebirth of the science of medicine -
16th and 17th Centuries
Causes of disease were still unknown, but they improved treatment of fractures, promoted use of artificiallimbs, and average life span was 35 to 45 years -
18th Century
Established scientific surgical procedures, introduced tube feeding, Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals for glass, and life span is expanded to 40 to 50 years -
19th Century/1800-1832
medical school in London was founded, first federal vaccination was enacted, and the Cholera pandemic broke out -
19th century/1822-1899
Louis pasteur contributed to discoveries like, pasteurizing milk to kill bacteria, creating a vaccine for rabies in 1885, and proving that microorganisms. Vaccine for diphtheria discover in 1894, and average life span was 40 to 60 years -
20th century/spanish flu
the Spanish flu was a pandemic that killed more than 40 million people -
20th century/Penicillin
Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928 -
20th century/ first kidney transplant
Joseph murray performed the first successful kidney transplant in humans in 1954 -
20th century/ first liver transplant
The first liver transplant was done in 1963 by Thomas Starzl -
20th century/First lung transplant
First Lung transplant was in 1964 and was performed by James Hardy -
20th century/First hospice
The first hospice was founded in England in 1967 -
20th century/Vaccine for chicken pox
The vaccine for chicken pox was approved in 1995 -
20th century/HIPAA
President Clinton approved HIPAA laws in 1996 -
20th century/sheep was cloned
The first sheep was cloned in 1997 -
21st century/Abortion pill
The FDA approved the use of an abortion pill in 2000 -
21st century/First face transplant
The first face transplant was performed in France in 2005 -
21st century/First artifical ovary
The first artifical ovary was created in 2010 -
21st century/First case of Ebola in US
The CDC declared the first case of Ebola in the US in 2014