history of health care

  • 1537

    Ambroise Pare

    Ambroise Pare
    A french surgeon, known as the father of modern surgery. Improved treatment of fractures, and promoted the use of artificial limbs.
  • 1548

    Gabriel Fallopius

    Gabriel Fallopius
    Identified the fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system, and described the tympanic membrane in the ear.
  • Gabriel Farhenheit

    Gabriel Farhenheit
    Created the first mercury thermometer.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    Invented bifocals for glasses
  • Joseph prestley

    Joseph prestley
    discovered the element oxygen.
  • John Hunter

    John Hunter
    Established scientific surgical procedures and introduced tube feeding.
  • Dr. Jesse Bennett

    Dr. Jesse Bennett
    performed the first successful Cesarean section operation to deliver an infant.
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    Developed a vaccination for smallpox.
  • Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    Invented the stethoscope
  • James Blundell

    James Blundell
    Performed the first successful blood transfusion on humans.
  • Dr. Philippe Pinel

    Dr. Philippe Pinel
    Began humane treatment for mental illness Cholera pandemic.
  • Theodor Fliedner

    Theodor Fliedner
    Started one of the first training programs for nurses in Germany which provided Florence Nightingale with her formal training.
  • William Morton

    William Morton
    An American dentist began using either as an anesthetic.
  • Dr. James Simpson

    Dr. James Simpson
    Began using chloroform as an anesthetic.
  • Francis Clarke

    Francis Clarke
    Patented the first electrical hearing aid.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    He proved that micro organisms cause disease, Pasteurized milk to kill bacteria, and created a vaccine for rabies.
  • Emile Roux

    Emile Roux
    Developed a vaccine for diphtheria
  • Willhelm Roentgen

    Willhelm Roentgen
    Discovered x-rays.
  • Almroth Wright

    Almroth Wright
    Developed a vaccine for typhoid fever
  • James Lind

    James Lind
    Prescribed lime juice containing vitamin C to prevent scurvy