In the Beginning
The creator of cokes formula and his partners name the soda. The creator plays with spencerian script. They believe the "C's" will look good in advertising. -
The trademark is added to the taill of the first letter. Printed on the bottles for the next 3 years. Ends production in 1890. -
Extra Swirl FAIL
Only used for one year. Dramatic change adding extra swirls. After year logo returns to previous font. -
Stays the same for 50 years. The trademark is removed. The words are slightly italicized more to the right. -
White version of the script emerges from a red backsplash. The fishtail shape contains all. Only last for 2 years. -
Stayed the same for next 9 years.Iconic white wave added underneath the script. red remains the backsplash color. A in a sqare box. -
Changed after 34 years. A yellow wave was added along side the white wave as part of the brands "keeping it real" campaign. Only lasted 5 years. -
The yellow wave is removed. The red backsplash is toned down. This remains the logo that is retreated to everytime the logo is changed for a short period of time, or special event.