
History of Globalization

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    When it all began

    "Some historians believe that economic and social globalization can be traced to 320 BCE, with the establishment of the Maurya Empire in India" (EBSCO). Globalization dates back farther than we can imagine, and it all starts with creating an emprie.
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    Trade Routes

    "China establsihed the Silk Road, a trade route that ran through China, Egypt, Persia, India and Rome" (EBSCO). Each nation contributed to the trade routes, this was just the beginning for globalization. But a big first step.
  • May 4, 1000

    Globalization goes global

    "Nearly all imperial societies were involved ininternational trade, and the exchnage of religion,philosophy and boilogical organsims accompanied economic links" (EBSCO). This shows that globalization has swept across the nation within around 1,000 years, which may seem like a long time but really that's nothing compared to our whole existance we've had.
  • May 4, 1300

    Ocean Transport

    "By the mid 1300s, international trade was accomplished by ocean transport. The intentional and unintentional transport of animals and plants led to the extinction of numerous species around the world" (EBSCO). This was a good and a bad thing, good because over sea transportation was a huge step but bad because it caused some animals and plants to go extinct.