
History of Gifted of Education

  • FIrst school for gifted children

    FIrst school for gifted children
  • Stanford-Binet IQ test

    Stanford-Binet IQ test
    Lewis Terman adapted the Binet and Simon test to identify gifted children by comparing their mental age to their physical age.
  • Special Opportunity Class begins in New York

    Special Opportunity Class begins in New York
    Leta Hollingsworth began this special class for gifted students and started a large movement for gifted education.
  • Launch of Sputnik causes change in gifted education

    Launch of Sputnik causes change in gifted education
    The Soviet launch of Sputnik caused the United States to rethink the needs of gifted children.
  • The Study of Mathematically Precocios Youth search begins

    The Study of Mathematically Precocios Youth search begins
    This talent search for gifted children searched for children in the 98th percentile and placed them in challenging classes during the summer months.
  • Nation at Risk Report

    Nation at Risk Report
    This report published the scores of the brightest American students and compared them to reports from other nations. This report showed that the United States gifted students fell below those of other countries.
  • Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act

    Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Education Act
  • Gifted Standards Published

    Gifted Standards Published
    The NAGC published gifted standards for students in pre K-12th grade.