
History of Gifted Education

  • 1st Gifted Education in Public Schools

    1st Gifted Education in Public Schools
    1st systematic effort in public schools to educate gifted students. Brought forth by William Torrey Harris, St. Louis superintendent.
  • Stanford-Binet Test is Introduced

    Stanford-Binet Test is Introduced
    Published by Henry Goddard, the father of gifted education. The test changed intelligence testing forever.
  • Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture

    Gifted Children: Their Nature and Nurture
    Noted as the original textbook on gifted education, published by Leta Hollingsworth.
  • National Association of Gifted Children

    National Association of Gifted Children
    Founded by Ann Isaacs
  • Soviet Union Launches Sputnik

    Soviet Union Launches Sputnik
    Sparks US interest in math and science. The brightest students in math, science and programming are courted.
  • Office of Gifted and Talented

    Office of Gifted and Talented
    The office becomes official. It is housed in the US Office of Education.
  • Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act

    Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act
    This program allows a national standard for gifted education.
  • National Gifted Education Standards

    National Gifted Education Standards
    NAGC publishes the standards for all teachers in regards to gifted education. (Updated in 2013)