2500 BCE
History of geology
1830 BCE
geology was first taught by Abraham Warner
1700 BCE
Links Are Being Made With Rocks youll find in your driveway to the ones in the ocean
Period: 1494 BCE to 1556
Georg Bauer, also called 'Agricola' expand his research with minerals
Asian's started making tools and weapons out of stones
geoscienceworld.org/books/book/2022/history-of-geosciencecelebrating-50-years-of -
James Hutton must be regarded as the ‘father of modern geology’
. Lehman distinguished three orders of mountains: a) those he believed to have been formed when the world was made; b) those formed from sediment deposited in sheets under water; c) volcanic mountains.
George Fuchsel who published in 1762 one of the first geological maps in his book 'A History of the Earth and the Sea,
geogly become a science
Period: to
Charles Lyell published principal of geology
oldest collection of nun fossils
The Cambrian Explosion and Fossil Records
Geologic History of the Black River Watershed
Xenophanes finds out about fossil fish and shells on top of moutains