History of Georgia Timeline

  • Charter of 1732

    Charter of 1732
    King George II granted the Charter of 1732 which officially created the colony of Georgia. It said the three purposes for creating Georgia were charity, economics, and defense. The charter banned African Americans, lawyers, and Catholics from Georgia. The charter prohibited slavery and alchohol.
  • Founding of Savannah

    Founding of Savannah
    James Oglethorpe founded Savannah, making in the first city in Georgia. Oglethorpe and his men arrived on the ship Anne. Mary Musgrove, a women of both Yamacraw and English descent, allowed In dian Chief Tomochichi and Oglethorpe to communicate. Tomochichi then gave Oglethorpe and his men permission to land in Yamacraw Bluff.
  • Founding of Ebenezer

    Founding of Ebenezer
    The Salzburgers were the group to found this city. They were expelled from Salzburg, seeing as they were Protestant, due to their conflicting religous beliefs.
  • Founding of Darien

    Darien was founded by the High Land Scotts who came to Georgia because they were asked to so they could protect it.
  • Battle of Bloody Marsh

    Battle of Bloody Marsh
    James Oglethorpe led the Georgia colonists in the Battle of Bloody Marsh. These colonists fought the Spanish. The colonists won the battle. Indians helped the colonists to win the battle. It redeemed Oglethorpe's reputation after a previous lost battle and brought confidence to Oglethorpe's men. This battle won the land for Georgia.
  • Georgia becomes a Royal Colony

    The Malcontents conmplained about the trustees. They complained about not being able to have slaves or alchohol and land inheritance laws. When Georgia became a Roayal Colony, the king of England wbecame in control Georgia. John Reynolds was the first Royal Governor of Georgia. The second was Henry Ellis, and the third was James Wright.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a fought between American colonists and France along with the Indians. The British won the war. Britain won France's land in North America. This led to the American Reoution because the taxes put on America by the British due to the great lossof money in the warangered the American colonists.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 gave all land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Indians. King George decided topass this so the Indians would not fight against the colonists. The colonists were angry that they could not expand westward.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act put tax on public and legal documents. The British passed this tax to get ack the money spent on the French and Indian War. The colonists were angry about this because they believed they shouldn't have t pay or somethingthey had gotten for free for years.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    These laws were passed because the British were angry at the colonists for throwing tea into the sea during the Boston Tea Party. Four laws were passed. These laws closed the Boston harbour, banned town meetings in Massachusetts, made it so Bristish officials had trials in Britain, and forced people to let British soldiers into their homes to eat or sleep if they asked.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The main author of the Declaration of Independence was thomas Jefferson. It stated that the United States was an independant nation from Britain. The three men from Georgia to sign it were Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, and George Walton.
  • Battle of Kettle Creek

    Battle of Kettle Creek
    The Patriots won the Battle of Kettle Creek, led by Elijah Clarke. Austin Dabney was the onlyblack soldier to fight in this battle. For his help he received a lot of land.
  • Seige of Savannah

    The British had control of Savannah. The French helped the Patriots to fight this battle. The British won and kept control over Savannah.