First Forensics Case
In China; there was a stabbing in the town and all of the knives were gathered together. Flies were attracted to the knife with blood remains on it, and the perpetrator confessed. -
Mathieu Orfila
"Father of Forensic Toxicology" - He tested the effects of poisons on animals and then published a book on his findings. -
William Herschel
Used thumbprints to document his workers in India -
Alphonse Bertillon
"Father of Criminal Identification" - Created a system called Anthropometry and used it to distinguish individuals through body measurements. -
Henry Faulds
First elimination of an innocent suspect. Used fingerprints to identify the innocent man as not guilty. -
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Wrote Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories. Considered the creator of crime themed entertainment. Said to have made crime-detection a popular subject. -
Francis Galton
Wrote a book called "Finger Prints" and proved fingerprints are unique.. Did the first definitive fingerprint study and created a classification system for them. -
Hans Gross
Described how to apply scientific principles in criminal investigating and published his works in a book: "Criminal Investigation". -
Karl Landsteiner
Worked on blood and blood types. HE discovered ABO blood groups and eventually received a Nobel Prize for his work. -
Edmond Locard
Applied principles created by Hans Gross to a crime lab. Later, he would be a director at the University of Lyons, (in France). Specifically, in the Institute for Criminalistics -
Albert S. Osborn
Worked on developing principles of document examinations such as forgery. He also published "Questioned Documents". -
Leone Lattes
Worked with blood. Specifically, he learned how to tell blood type from dried blood. -
August Vollmer
Created the First crime lab in the United States of America. This lab was located in Los Angeles, California. -
Calvin Goddard
Invented a kind of microscope used to compare two things side by side. It was called a "comparison microscope". Originally, this was used to compare bullets and see if they were fired from the same weapon.