History of Fingerprinting

  • 1750 BCE


    In Babylon fingerprints were used in business exchanges.
  • Dr. Nehemiah Grew

    Dr. Nehemiah Grew
    Wrote a paper about the patterns and ridges in the human hand.
  • Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer

    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer
    First to declare that no two people have the same fingerprints.
  • Jan Evangelist Purkyn

    Jan Evangelist Purkyn
    Described nine fingerprint patterns. loops, spirals, circles, and double whorls.
  • Sir William Herschel

    Sir William Herschel
    Discovered that fingerprint don't change with age.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    Created a way to identify criminals called Bertillonage.
  • Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    Developed the classification system that is still used today.
  • Ivan Vucetich

    Ivan Vucetich
    Noted measurements of fingerprints and started to record all ten fingerprints.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry

    Sir Edmund Richard Henry
    Divided fingerprint records into groups based on the pattern. Created a system that used all 10 fingerprints called ten cards.
  • Bertillonage

    Bertillon was credited with solving the first case with fingerprints.