History of fingerprinting

  • Dr. Nehemiah

    Wrote a paper describing the patterns that he saw on human hands under the microscope including the presence of ridges
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Verified that fingerprints do not change with age.1888 Galton along with sir e.r Henry developed the classification system for fingerprints that is still in use today in the us or Europe
  • Iván (Juan) Vucetich

    Improved fingerprint collection in 1891. He began to note measurements on the identification cards of all arrested persons, as well as adding all 10 fingerprints impressions.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry

  • Alphonse bertillon

    In 1902 he was credited with solving the first murder using fingerprints. He was an assistant clerk in the records office at the police station in paris created a way to identify criminals