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History of Fingerprinting

  • 1792 BCE


    Fingerprints were discovered on a clay tablet in Babylon.
  • Dr. Nehemiah

    Dr. Nehemiah
    Wrote a paper describing the patters he saw in human fingerprints under a microscope including ridges.
  • Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer

    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer
    The first scientist to recognize that that the arranges of skin ridges was never the same in two people.
  • Jan Evangelist Purkyn

    Jan Evangelist Purkyn
    Described 9 distinct fingerprint patterns.
  • Sir William Herschel

    Sir William Herschel
    Began to collect fingerprints and noticed the no two were the same and that age did not alter them.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    Created a way to identify criminals with fingerprints
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    Verified that fingerprints do not change with age and created a fingerprint classification system.
  • Ivan Vucetich

    Ivan Vucetich
    Invented a better way for collecting fingerprints by creating cards for criminals and adding impressions of all 10 fingers.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry

    Sir Edmund Richard Henry
    Created a ten card and divided fingerprints by loops, arches, and whorls.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    The first murder was solved using fingerprints.
  • American Military

    American Military
    Over time, the Army, Navy, and Marines began using fingerprinting. The National Bureau of Criminal Investigation also began keeping track of the fingerprints on file.
  • FBI

    The FBI launched its Advance Fingerprint Identification Technology (AFIT) system which enhanced fingerprint and latent print processing services. The system increased the accuracy and daily processing capacity of the agency and also improved the system's availability.