History of Fingerprinting

  • Dr. Nehemiah writes paper on human hands.

    Dr. Nehemiah writes paper on human hands.
    Dr. Nehemiah writes a research paper on the patterns found on human hands while looking through a microscope. He made note of ridges on the hands.
  • Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer elaborates on Nehemiah's paper.

    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer elaborates on Nehemiah's paper.
    Johann Christoph Andreas Mayer expands upon the paper by detailing how every person has their own ridge pattern.
  • Jan Evangelist Purkyn identifies various fingerprint patterns.

    Jan Evangelist Purkyn identifies various fingerprint patterns.
    Jan Evangelist Purkyn discovers nine distinct fingerprint patterns.
  • Sir William Herschel collects fingerprints.

    Sir William Herschel collects fingerprints.
    Sir William Herschel starts collecting fingerprints for the sake of studying them and discovered how patterns weren't altered by one's age.
  • Alphonse Bertillon creates a way to identify criminals.

    Alphonse Bertillon creates a way to identify criminals.
    Alphonse Bertillon invents a new way to identify criminals based off the prior information.
  • Bertillon's method is put to use.

    Bertillon's method is put to use.
    Alphonse Bertillon's method of identifying criminals is used for the first time to identify a criminal.
  • Sir E. R. Henry and Sir Francis Galton develop a fingerprint classification system.

    Sir E. R. Henry and Sir Francis Galton develop a fingerprint classification system.
    Galton and Henry create the first fingerprint classification system which is still in use today.
  • Ivan Vucetich improves fingerprint collection.

    Ivan Vucetich improves fingerprint collection.
    Ivan Vucetich began recording measurements on identification cards and introduced the idea of including all 10 fingerprint impressions. He also created his own fingerprint classification system.
  • Sir Edmund Richard Henry divides fingerprint patterns into groups.

    Sir Edmund Richard Henry divides fingerprint patterns into groups.
    Sir Edmund Richard Henry devised groups for fingerprints based on pattern (e.g. whorl, arch, loop).
  • First murder solved using fingerprints.

    First murder solved using fingerprints.
    A murder is solved using Alphonse Bertillon's fingerprint method for the first time.