History of Families & Family Resource Management

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    Pre Industrial Family

    Before the Industrial revolution in America. Family was mainly an economic unit that lived together. Sometimes extended family would live with them as well. Often times non related individuals would live with them as help. Whenever children grew up and were able to help they did so.
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    Industrial Revolution Family

    Homelife and work became separated.Women often remained at home and took on the unpaid labor of running the household. While men went to work for as long as 14 hours a day.
  • Ellen Richards swallows is born

    Ellen Richards swallows is born
  • Ellen Richard Swallows graduated from Vasser College

    Ellen Richard Swallows graduated from Vasser College
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    Sanitation Sciences to Home Economics

    Ellen continued to study and educate people. One thing she really pushed was that proper hygiene be taught in school. This push eventually led to the development of home economics in school.
  • Ellen Richards Swallows goes to MIT

    After Vasser, Ellen then sets her sights on MIT. Women were not allowed into MIT at this time. Therefore, she had to wait two years before being given the ability to take bachelor degree exams.
  • Ellen gets married to Robert Hallowell Richards

    Ellen gets married to Robert Hallowell Richards
    Ellen gets married to Robert Hallowell Richards who just so happened to be the chairman of MITs mining department.
  • Established women's laboratory at MIT

    Established women's laboratory at MIT
    Ellen was able to establish the women's laboratory in MIT in her efforts to further women's education. It wasn't until three years later in 1879 that they finally acknowledged her as assistant instructor.
  • Ellen Published "The Chemistry of Cooking and Cleaning"

    In 1882 Ellen was able to publish the book she wrote "The chemistry of cooking and cleaning: A manual for house keepers." about proper nutrition, pure foods, proper clothing, and the discipline of home economics.
  • Home economics association formed

    In 1908, at Lake Placid, NY conference, the American Home Economics Association was formed. Ellen Swallow Richards was elected the first president