Benjamin Thomson
First to experiemt with household issues -
Catherine Beecher
Began the hoem economics movement and an imortant figure in women's education -
Justin Smith Morrill/ Morrill Act of 1862
This act made it possible for new western states to establish colleges for their citizens. -
Land Grant University's
Federal Government to grant each state 30,000 acres of public land issued in the form of "land scrip" certificates for each of its Representatives and Senators in Congress. -
Land Grant Universities in Arkansas
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) -
Ellen H. Richards
Was an acivist for consumer edcaution, nutriton, child pretection, and the applicaiton of the of scientific and management principles to the family. In 1909, she and a small group of women created what became known as the Amerian Home Economics Assocation. -
Smith Lever Act of 1914
Established a national Cooperative Extension Service that exteneded outreach programs through land-grant universities to educate rural Americans about advances in agricultural practices and technology. -
Smith Hughes Act
Provieded federal aid to the stats for the purpose of promoting precollegiate vocational edcuation in agricultural and industrial trades and in home economics. -
Voactional Education Act of 1963
Provided grants to states to maintain, imporve, and develop vocational-technical education programs. -
Vocational Amendment of 1968 and 1973
National and state advisory councils are required. In additoin each state must submit a plan consisting of administrative policies and procedures and an annual and 5-year program plan. -
Vocational Educational Amendment of 1973
Is a comprehensive federal law taht prohibits descrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. -
Vocational Amendment of 1976
Organization of the paper is around areas of special legislative emphasis that will create the greatest change in vocational education: planning, datat and information, evaluation, elimination of sex bias and sex stereotyping, special groups, and program improvement. -
Carl Perkins Vocational Act of 1984
Autherorizes federal funds to support vocational education programs. One of the goals for the Perkins Act is to improve the access of either those who have been underserved in the past or those who have greater-than-average educational needs. -
Carl Perkins Act of 1990
Reauthorization of the 1984 Act. -
Carl Perkins Act of 2006
Act will provide an increased focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary educaion, and implement the new Act.