History of FACS

  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    Catherine Beecher was one of the first advocates for home economics education. She published a book about home economics and was a guide to housekeeping in America.
  • Land-Grant College Act of 1862 (Morrill Act)

    Land-Grant College Act of 1862 (Morrill Act)
    The Morrill Act provided grants of land to the states to be able to finance the establishment of colleges specializing in agriculture and the mechanic arts.
  • Land Grant University

    Land Grant University
    Kansas State University was the first land-grant institution
  • University of Arkansas Land Grant

    University of Arkansas Land Grant
    U of A was the Arkansas Industrial University and become to state land-grant institution and the first state assisted college in Arkansas.
  • U of A Pine Bluff

    U of A Pine Bluff
    In 1890 University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff became a land grant institution
  • A. B. Graham

    A. B. Graham
    Graham founded a youth program that taught local agriculture clubs which became 4-H
  • Ellen Richards

    Ellen Richards
    Ellen Richards was elected as president of the American Home Economics Association
  • Home Economics was founded

    Home Economics was founded
    In 1909 the American Home Economics Association was founded
  • Journal of Home Economics

    In 1910, Ellen Richards established the Journal of Home Economics
  • Smith-Lever Act

    Smith-Lever Act
    The smith-lever act established a national cooperative extension service to extend outreach programs through the land-grant universities. They educated rural Americans about advances in agriculture and technology
  • Smith-Hughes Act

    The Smith-Hughes Act was adopted in 1917 and provided federal aid to the states for education in agriculture and home economics.
  • First College Level Class

    The first college level home economics class was established in 1929 at the Ewha Womans University in Seoul
  • Creating a national student organization

    In March of 1944, 29 home economics leaders met to create one national student organization

    The national organization, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), was founded
  • Margaret McCready

    Margaret McCready
    Margaret promoted a democratic family model where both adults know how to raise a healthy family and share responsibilities. She addressed the issue of men learning home economies.
  • Vocational Education Act of 1963

    The vocational education act of 1963 provided grants to the states to develop, improve, and maintain the vocational and technical education programs.
  • 1968 Vocational Amendments

    The vocational amendments in 1968 addressed the nation's social and economic problems. Each state had to submit a plan of their administrative policies and procedures and a 5 year program plan.
  • The Rehabilitation Act

    The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 expanded special federal responsibilities and research, extended the authorization of grants to states for vocational rehabilitation services, and create linkage between state vocational rehabilitation programs.
  • The 1976 Vocational Amendment

    The 1976 amendment required states receiving federal funding for vocational education and develop programs to eliminate gender bias, stereotyping, and discrimination in vocational education.
  • Family and Consumer Science

    Family and Consumer Science
    Home Economics was renamed to family and consumer science. This name better describes the profession and wanted to get rid of the idea that home ec was about teaching girls how to be housewives.
  • Carl D. Perkins Education Act

    The Carl D. Perkins Act is a source of federal funding to states for the improvement of secondary and postsecondary career and technical educational programs.