History of FACS

  • Catherine Beecher

    Catherine Beecher
    She wrote the first FACS textbook entitled "A Treatise on Domestic Economy"
  • Justin Smith Morrill Act of 1862

    Justin Smith Morrill Act of 1862
    This act provides grants of land to states to finance the establishment of colleges that specialize in agriculture and mechanic arts
  • Land Grant Universities

    Land Grant Universities
    This grant is for universities to receive benefits of the Morrill Act
  • Land Grant Universities in Arkansas

    Land Grant Universities in Arkansas
    University of Arkansas (Fayetteville)
    University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford)

    Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford)
    Count Rumford was known as a inventor and physicists. He invented the first range with temperature controls. Then a the Chicago World's Fair the Rumford Kitchen opened.
  • W.O. Atwater

    W.O. Atwater
    Atwater received his PhD in Chemistry from Yale University. He became named the Father of Nutrition.
  • Clara Belle Drisdale Williams

    Clara Belle Drisdale Williams
    Williams graduated from Prairie View Normal and Independent College and later became the head of the institution's sewing department. She later taught her parents some of the home economics skilled she learned from college.
  • Ellen Swallow Richard

    Ellen Swallow Richard
    Richards was an MIT graduate and chemist who founded the home economics movement. Became the first president of the foundation
  • Creation of FCS

    Creation of FCS
    A female graduate of MIT named Ellen Richards and other woman formed American Home Economics Association.
  • Smith Lever Act

    Smith Lever Act
    This act established a national Cooperative Extension Service outreach program through land grant universities to educate on advances of agricultural and technology.
  • Smith Hughes Act

    Smith Hughes Act
    The act provided federal aid to states in order to promote precollegiate vocational education in agricultural, industrial trade, and home economics
  • The University of Georgia College of Agriculture

    The University of Georgia College of Agriculture
    At this university a bachelor's degree for women was created under the Division of Home Economics
  • Dawson Hall

    Dawson Hall
    A building named in the honor of Edgar Gilmer Dawson that includes home economics, applied arts, and a cafeteria.
  • Rhetta S Ragland

    Rhetta S Ragland
    She was an instructor at PVAMU where she taught Child Development and was involved with the Nursey School.
  • Flossie M. Byrd

    Flossie M. Byrd
    Ms.Byrd was a home economist, educator, and family and consumer services scientist. She served as the Dean of the College of Home Economics for 23 years at PVAMU.
  • The Vocational Education Act

    The Vocational Education Act
    Congress proposed new vocational education programs to bring job training harmony.
  • Vocational Amendment

    Vocational Amendment
    The amendment addresses the social and economic problems for students at risk of disabilities.
  • Peter Stegmayer

    Peter Stegmayer
    The first male student to receive his bachelor's degree in home economics.
  • Vocational Amendment

    Vocational Amendment
    This amendment gives equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities have access to jobs in the vocational field.
  • Vocational Amendment

    Vocational Amendment
    Requires that states receive federal funding for vocational education and programs where gender bias, stereotyping, and discrimination are not an issue
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Carl Perkins Act
    This act increased funding for careers of technical education that prepares students for the workforce.
  • Martha Rensselaer

    Martha Rensselaer
    Ms.Rensselaer was a professor at Cornell University. She developed the Cooperative Extension Service Program at Cornell University.
  • Name change

    Name change
    The organization changed its name to American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences