Morrill Act of 1862
act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges -
Land Grant Universities
President Abraham Lincoln signed the first land grant on July 2nd -
University of Connecticut
designated as a land grant university -
University of California
designated as a land grant university -
University of Arkansas
designated as a land grant university in 1871 -
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
designated as a land grant university -
American Home Economic Association was founded -
AHEA chartered
Smith Lever Act of 1914
US federal law that established a system of cooperative extension services, connected to the land grant universities in order to inform people about current developments in agriculture, home economics, public policy, etc. -
Smith Hughes Act of 1917
US Congress promoted vocational education in "agriculture, trades and industry, and homemaking" and provided federal funds for that. -
AHEA Symbol
AHEA adopted the Betty Lamp as symbol. The lamp's name is german for "to make better". -
George Reed Act
President Calvin Coolidge approved; home economic education funds were allotted on the basis of rural population rather than urban population -
George-Barden Act
President Harry S. Truman authorized appropriation of 29 million dollars annually -
Vocational Education Acts of 1963
provided grants to states to maintain, improve and develop vocational-technical programs -
Vocational Amendment of 1968
authorized the appropriation of millions of dollars for vocational education in attempt to find solutions to the nation's social and economic problems -
Vocational Amendment of 1976
continued support of consumer and homemaking education and placed special emphasis on the changing of roles of men and women as workers and homemakers. -
Carl Perkins Act of 1984
focused on social and economic issues-- this act was to improve the effectiveness of consumer and homemaking education and reduce the limiting effects of sex-role stereotyping on occupations, job skills, levels of competency, and careers -
Carl Perkins Act of 1990
authorized the largest amount of funds; assist schools in teaching for a technologically advanced society -
Organization name change
organization changed name to the American Association of Family and Consumer Science -
Carl Perkins Act of 2006
reauthorized; increased federal funding to 1.3 billion; changed name of vocational education to career and technical education