1944 Education Act
A major progessive step in education, The 1944 Education Act (also known as the "Butler Act") was a reform act that contributed massively to the change needed in a post-war education system. The act increased the age of school-leavers to 15 and it also provided free schooling across the whole of Britain. The free schooling was split into three different different types of schools; Grammar Schools, Secondary technical schools and Secondary modern schools. -
Section 2A of the Local Governments Act 1988
Section 2A of the Local Governments Act 1988 was created alongside Section 28. These legislations meant that schools were not allowed to openly promote homosexuality. -
GCSE's for sixteen year olds were taught for the first time
GCSE's replaced the O-Level qualifications. -
Education Reform Act 1988
The biggest Reform Act in education since the 1944 Education Act. It added many important provisions that are still used in education to this day including "Key Stages" and The National Curriculum. -
Introduction of The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is a nationwide curriculum that primary and secondary state schools follow after its introduction in 1988. Independent schools, Academies and Free Schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum and can set their own curriculum, although some schools still choose to follow it. The purpose of the National Curriculum was so that schools across the country had standardised content to be taught so that they could be assessed and compared to one another. -
SAT's for seven year olds brought into state schools
SAT's for eleven year olds introduced
An A* grade for GCSE's was also introduced this year. -
Education Act 1996
The Education act 1996 states says all state schools must also offer a course in Religious Education, although parents have the right to withdraw their child from the course if they wish. More specifically to secondary education, pupils are provided with sexual education, including education on STD's, although parents can also withdraw the pupils from these too. -
SAT's for fourteen year olds introduced
Older pupils were also given careers education from this year onward also. -
My First Day
My First Day at Moxley Infants School. -
Period: to
My First School (Moxley Infants)
A-Level Overhaul
A-levels are changed so that they are split into six modules, three are now at the new AS level. -
Course Expansion
All state schools must offer pupils at least one course from each grouping of subjects at GCSE: The Arts, Design & Technology, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages. -
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My Middle School (Dorothy Purcell)
Local Governments Act 2003
Section 122 of the Local Governments Act 2003 repealed section 2A and Section 28, meaning that schools could promote homosexuality in education. -
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My Middle School became a Primary School (name change to Moorcroft Wood)
I finished with level 5a's in all three major subjects (English, Maths, Science). -
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My Secondary School (Darlaston Community Science College)
Period: to
My Secondary School became an Academy (Grace Academy Darlaston)
Science GCSE - Grade A
Additional Science GCSE - Grade B
Religious Education GCSE - Grade C
BTEC Level 2 Business - Pass
BTEC Level 2 Media - Pass
English Literature GCSE - Grade D
Spanish GCSE - Grade E 2011
Mathematics GCSE - Grade A
English Language GCSE - Grade C -
The Last Edexcel ICT Specification
The Attached Picture shows Edexcel's last specification for GCSE ICT. -
Period: to
My Sixth Form experience (Grace Academy Darlaston)
BTEC Level 3 Sport - Distinction
BTEC Level 3 Science - Merit 2014
General Studies AS Level - Grade D 2013
Music Technology AS Level - Grade E
History AS Level - Grade E -
Computing Replaces IT in the National Curriculum
The Attached Picture shows Edexcel's First Specification for GCSE Computing when it was introduced in 2013. -
Period: to
My first year at University (University of Worcester)
BSc Games Design & Development Introduction to Game Design & Development C+
Introduction to Web & Database Development D
Creative Computing C-
Programming Concepts to Construction -
The most Recent Specification for GCSE Computing (Edexcel)
The Attached Picture shows Edexcel's most recent specification for GCSE Computing. -
Period: to
My first year at the University of Wolverhampton
BSc Computer Science with Secondary Education (QTS).