History of Ethics in Psychology

By Naija
  • 6500 BCE


    Was the horrendous surgical procedure where a hole was drilled in the skull.Trephination was used as treatment for numerous illnesses. However it's most memorable for it's practice in pulling spirits from the body in certain rituals. Many have died from it's extremes practices, but also some survived and healed afterwards.
  • Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    Was a study from the United States Public Health Services where they worked with the Tuskegee Institute. In which they began to study and record the natural history of syphilis on African Americans. Which was deemed as an unethical abusive study. Because the study was to observing the history of Untreated Syphilis in African Americans.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments

    Where African Americans, homosexuals, Jews, and other minorities endured starvation, sleep deprivation, unnecessary surgical treatments with no anesthetics, and emotional, mental, as well as physical torture.
  • Tearoom Trade Study

    Where Laud Humphrey would go into public men restrooms or tea rooms to observe homosexual men in their acts. Without disclosing that he was a researcher.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    Where Philip Zimbardo and his collegues observed how the "Stanford Prison Experiment" investigated the psychological effects of perceived power. Between the 24 men that underwent this experiment there where chosen randomly to either serve the role as prisoners or guards.