History of Ethics in Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    The doctor would drill holes in a person's skull to release the "demon". I chose this because its intriguing to know that people truly thought that because of abnormal behaviors were because of "demonic" possessions.
  • Tuskegee syphilis study

    Over 600 impoverished black share croppers was studied by the U.S to document diseases in African American INdividuals and racial differences n the clinical manifestations of syphilis . The individuals were not told they had syphilis and were not given a cure , causing death or them passing it along to their children. I chose this because i dont think hoe fair it is to treat those many black americans as "test animals" and give them the help they deserve.
  • Nazi concentration camp

    A camp where they conducted experiments or unnecessary tests on homosexuals, Jews , African Americans, or others not born of pure lineage. There was sleep deprivations , torture to the victims , and massacre murders. This holds an impact on me , because I feel like none of those people deserved the unnecessary test and they weren't indifferent at all, it just feels like they were getting away with murder.
  • Zimbardo prison experiement

    Philip Zimbardo selected 24 male students to participate in a 6-day experiment. A mock prison was created in the basement of the university and participants were either assigned to be prisoners or guards . the "prisoners" fully experienced what it was like to be a prisoner. I necessarily don't find it so bad but it does intrigue me on how their behaviors might've changed over the last 6 days due to being help in that type of captivity.