History of Ethics

By A.James
  • 6500 BCE


    Abnormal behavior was once thought to be caused by demonic possession, with the only "solution" being to drill a hole in the victims head to "release the demons" or to perform exorcisms on the victims.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments

    The Nazis performed horrific and inhumane experiments on anyone who was not considered to be born of pure Aryan lineage, including sleep deprivation, unnecessary surgery, etc.
  • BF Skinner-Operant Conditioning

    Skinner formulates theories on operant condition using electrical shocks on animals as test subjects. Not many people cared about him doing so however.
  • Nuremberg Code is Created

    A set of ethical codes and principles is created to guide future research on human participants to keep from recreating inhumane research from happening again
  • Stanley Milgram- Obedience

    Milgram Performed Skinners experiments on Humans sparking outrage all across the world with people demanding a detailed explanation from him.