History of English

By gabcapp
  • 410 BCE

    First word

    "Up yours caesar"
  • 59 BCE


    Words like "martyr" "bishop" "font"
  • 800


    Words like "drag" "die" "fast". Phrase "watch out for that man with the enormous axe"
  • 1066

    French influence

    New concepts . "judge" "jury" "justice"
  • 1300

    Food concepts

    Cow vs beef
    Sheep vs mutton
    Swine vs pork
  • 1337

    Hundred years war

    English took over as the language of power
  • 1564

    William Shakespare

    2,000 new words and terms were invented by him.
  • Bible

    The King James Bible gave a new translation to the Bible.
  • Scientists

    Things were discovered faster than they could name them so they invented the words. Also the human body parts
  • Dictionary of the English Language

    Contained 42,773 entries
  • Stealing words

    They took a lot of words from Australia and Africa
  • Internet

    New words were invented for things they have never been done before.
  • Abbreviations

    Make conversations shorter. LOL, BTW, IMHO,