History of english

History of English

  • 597

    St. Augustine Missionaries

    St. Augustine Missionaries
    St. Augustine arrives, bringing a little influence from Latin
  • 700


    First found and recorded tale written in English
  • Period: 780 to 1000

    Old Norse

  • Period: 787 to 1000

    Viking Invasions

  • 1000

    Norman Invasion

    Norman Invasion
    They brought the Anglo-Norman Old French, which mixed into English.
  • 1337

    100 Years War

    100 Years War
    The Hundred Years War starts, which devalues French and brings English to a higher value level.
  • Period: 1350 to

    Great Vowel Shift

    Between Middle and Early Modern English, there is the Great Vowel Shift, a major change in pronunciation.
  • 1384

    First Bible in English

    First Bible in English
    The Bible is translated into English for the first time.
  • 1400


    Starting in the 14th Century, Renaissance was a Cultural movement that greatly affected the English language.
  • 1476

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The Printing Press is created, making the expansion of written content creation possible.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Many new words are added to English, as new discoveries, products and objects are created.
  • United States' Independence

    United States' Independence
    As the United States became independent from England, it started to establish its influence all over the world, spreading the English language even more.
  • The American Dictionary of the English Language

    The American Dictionary of the English Language
    Noah Webster publishes one of the first English dictionaries.
  • Period: to

    1900s to Present Day

    From the 20th century on, with wars happening, technology continually developing and constant and rapid changes in society, the changes in English have happened mostly in the addition of neologisms and new abbreviations and slangs.