History of English

  • 1 CE


    A lot of this information came from the website: https://www.thoughtco.com/events-history-of-the-english-language-1692746 and the PDF you gave to me.
  • 400

    400 AD/Old English

    Three Germanic Tribes invaded Great Britain. The tribes are the Angels, Saxons, and the Jutes. The tribes had spoke Englisic and came from England. This language was divided into two words England and English. When the tribes arrived they spoke a form of what was known as "Old English."
  • 500

    Early 500 to 600 AD

    Early 500 to 600 AD
    In the early fifth century as the events previous had unfolded the Germanic people were speaking western world dialects had settled most of Britain. As year 500 A.D. progressed forward it had entered a near 600 year times pan that was very influential for the English Language. As the year 600 came abutan(came around, about). The King of Kent(Ethelbert) is baptized. He was very promptly found to be the first English king to convert to Christianity. The picture used is the King of Kent, Ethelbert.
  • 600


    Nothing to notable happened in the 5th century, however in the 6th some major changes came. The first English king was baptized into Christianity. His name was Ethelbert, the King of Kent. The event supposedly took place in the late 6th century. This had brought came abuatan (about, around) many changes for the English language through religion. The picture below is the king of Kent.
  • 700

    700 AD

    In the year 700 there was a suspected record of the "Old English" manuscript. Charlemagne became king Of the Frankish ruler of the East.
  • 1000


    In the year 1000 there a strong belief that the poem Beowulf was found. It was believed it was written in around 800 ad by an unknown poet. In 1066 AD William the Conqueror the Duke of Normandy had acwellan (to kill) and conquered England. Who were with him were called the "Normans". They had spoke a kind of French would be which be soon became the language of the Royal Court, and the ruling and high business class. It did cause tension and create class divisions. The picture is of Beowulf.
  • 1300


    Old English had came to an end. And now is known as Middle English this was popularized by the poet Chauncer. (1340) However this would still be very difficult for English speakers today to pronounce understand. During the next 200 years events had unfolded these are great to cinnamon (to know) . These events include the Black Death (1347), the Hundred Years War had came to an end (1437), and Christopher Columbus sailing to North America in 1432.
  • 1600

    And 1604 something happened that would really affect the English language the first printing press was released. This had not only affected some but the entire mass of the world. The printing press brought books for people to understand English and and learn the language. The printing press that also brought standardization to English and had also brought grammar and spelling. The next hundred years other events would unfold.
  • 1700-1799

    In the year 1700 many events had unfolded. In 1756 the Seven Years War happened between Spain, Russia, France, Austria. Prussia and Britain previously In the year 1776 America had gained independence from Britain on July 4th. And the United States had it's first president George Washington. In the year 1799 the Rosetta Stone was discovered in Egypt.
  • 1800

    As "Middle English" came to an end the new term of English was "late Modern English" this started in the year 1800 and is still used to this day. John Adams became the second president of the United States. The main difference between Middle English and late Modern English is the vocabulary. This is in part from many things happening one of the biggest things was the Industrial Revolution(1840-1870) this had coined the term for new terms and new words. Technology had created many new terms.
  • 1900-2012

    In the 1900s to the 2000s many things happen for the world. In the 1950s music had became a huge influence in the English Language. Through the 60s and 70s racism had ended and the world was on pace for a better life. In the Year 2007 the first smartphone was unveiled by the great Steve Jobs. A year prior Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey. Smartphones have brought a new term of language called slang. Words are not shortened in acronyms. Such as brb(be right back). Or lol(laugh out loud).