• 410

    Romans leave Britain.

    Romans leave Britain.
    After the invasion, they standed in Britain for arround 500 years.
  • 450

    The Anglo-Saxon Settlement

    The Anglo-Saxon Settlement
    Angles, Saxon and Jutes tribes arrived to the British Island. They made the language easier to use contributing with some words like: house, woman, loaf, werewolf and four of the days of the week in honor to their gods.
  • 597


    The locals were very comfortable with adopting this religion and the words that it could offer to their language, such like: martyr, bishop and font.
  • 800

    The arrival of the Vikings

    The arrival of the Vikings
    They gave to English language around 2000 new words, among them are die, give, take, ransack, etc.
  • 1066

    The Norman conquest

    The Norman conquest
    William the conqueror invaded Britain and he added new words on French language like: judge, jury, evidence, justice.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    Hundred years' war

    It actually lasted 116 years, English and French were the languanges involved on it.
  • Shakespeare

    He invented 2000 words and phrases like eye globe, puppy dog, showing that the English language was rich and unlimited on expresion.
  • The king James Bible

    The king James Bible
    It was the authorized version of the Bible which was translated from Latin to English language. This new version showed an impact on English literature because of the use of lexicon and syntax.
  • Period: to

    The English of science

    There were a lot of scientist (Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle) that were needed of vocabulary related with their field of study, words like "gravity", "electricity", "acid" and "pendulum", among others.
  • Period: to

    The Dictionary of the English Language

    It was created by Dr. Johnson who had the idea due to the problems or misunderstandings that wrong spelling could cause.
  • Period: to

    The Oxford English Dictionary

    New words were invented as time passed and then English language needed a new dictionary that took 70 years to be completed. By the year 1928 it was "finished" and it is reviewed constantly. The aim of this Dictionary is that no one is allowed to invent new words just because they want to.
  • Internet

    Typing was an important factor to improve on the use and spelling of English language, but something interesting about internet were the new words it had to offer, such as download, toolbar, firewall, blog, reboot and poke, words that could be used to replace complete sentences, acting as abreviations.