History of English

  • 6000 BCE

    Britain became an island

    Britain became an island
    Britain was disconnected from Europe
  • 2000 BCE


    British Isles were inhabited by the Iberians
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Jan reached north-western shres of Gaul

    Julius Jan reached north-western shres of Gaul
    There was 2 raids across the British Channel
  • 4

    The Romans

    The Romans
    The Romans were the most power full people in the world.
  • 122

    Hadrians Wall

    Was built by Romans for keeping out the Picts
  • 787

    Vikings began their invasion

    Invasion started from Denmark to leave a lasting impression on Britain
  • 886

    Alfred the Great defeated the Vikings

    Wessex king Alfred the Great resisted and defeated the Vikings
  • 1066

    Death of Edward the Confessor

    The last king of England died and Anglo - Saxon dynasty was restored
  • 1066

    Norman Duke William defeated the Saxon king Harold

    Norman Duke William defeated the Saxon king Harold
    After the battle of Hastings the Norman Duke William was crowned the king of England
  • 1300

    Middle English language was formed

    Norman -French and Anglo-Saxon German formed one language-Middle English