1939 BCE
World War II
1800 BCE
Industrial Revolution
1765 BCE
American Revolution
1642 BCE
English civil War
1623 BCE
Publication of Shakespeare Folio
1534 BCE
The English Reformation
Period: 1500 BCE to 2000 BCE
Modern English
1492 BCE
Discovery of the Americas
1436 BCE
Invention of the Printing Press
1400 BCE
The Hundred Years War
1387 BCE
Chaucer's Canterbury tales
1350 BCE
The Black Death
1215 BCE
The signing of Magna Carta
Period: 1100 BCE to 1500 BCE
Middle English
1066 BCE
The Norman Invasion
793 BCE
Viking Invasion
750 BCE
Beowulf poem
700 BCE
First documented manuscript of Old English
400 BCE
Conversions of Christians
Period: 400 BCE to 1100 BCE
Old English