Henry I
William I died in 1087.His son Robert became Duke of Normandy and his middle son William II succeeded him on the throne of England.For the last son Henry I there wasn't a land.When William II died Henry became the king of England.Also he defeated his brother Alfred and became the duke of Normandy.His son died in a shipwreck so he wanted his daughter Matilda to succeeded him.His nephew Stephen claimed the throne,so when Henry died he had crowned himself. -
Henry I
William I died in 1087.His son Robert became Duke of Normandy and his middle son William II succeeded him on the throne of England.For the last son Henry I there wasn't a land.When William II died Henry I become the king of England.Also he defeated his brother Robert and become the duke of Normandy.His son died in a shipwreck so he wanted his daughter Matilda to succeeded him.His nephew Stephen claimed the throne,so when Henry I died he had crowned himself. -
The Anarchy was a civil war in England and Normandy between 1135 and 1153.Matilda fought against Stephen for most of his reign.When Stephen's son died,he signed a treaty wherein he recognized Matilda's son,Henry II,as his heir. -
Jan 30, 1164
Henry II
Henry II, the founder of Plantagenet dynasty, was king not only of England but also of large parts of France and he changed the military service. The barons were allowed to pay a sum of money, called shield money, instead of the military service of their knights. With this money the king could pay mercenaries for his expeditions. Henry II wanted to form a stronger system of justice. Those clerks who committed common crimes were judged by a body of laws called The Constitutions of Clarendon. -
Opposition of Thomas Becket (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommaso_Becket)The imagine is a miniature,wherein is represented the murder of Thomas Becket
Thomas Becket,who was the archbishop of Canterbury,opposed the king so four Henry's knights killed him in his own cathedral.The church made Thomas a martyr and a saint.Henry walked barefoot to Canterbury,where he was flogged by monks to restore his reputation.Henry II died in 1189 and he was succeeded by his son Richard I. -
King John and Magna Carta.The imagine represent when John signed "Magna Carta"
Richard I in 1190 set out for the holy land as one of the leaders of the third Crusade.When he died in 1199,his brother John became king.King John collected higher taxes to get more money.So all people were exposed to his violent abuse of power.For example he collected money from widows.People organized a rebellion and asked the king to sign Magna Carta.He signed it in 1215.It was a charter demanding specific liberties. -
Henry III and Simon De Montfort (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_III_d%27Inghilterra)
John died in 1216 and his son Henry III was crowned.During this period The palace of Westminster and the new Westminster abbey were built.Simon De Montfort demanded that Henry summon a Great council of lords and bishops to help him.But the king renounced the agreement and a civil war broke out.In the final battle Simon De Montfort was killed. -
Edward I (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edoardo_I_d%27Inghilterra)
Henry III was succeeded by his son Edward I,who respected the terms of Magna Carta.Also he established the first England's parliament and conquered Wales. -
Edward II
Edward II succeeded his father in 1307 but he was immediately deposed by his wife. -
Edward III and the order of Garter
Edward III claimed the crown of France.This was the beginning of the war.Another reason was that the French were threatening Flanders,which was the chief market for English wool.He introduced the idea of chivalry.It was a set of values which the perfect knight had to respect.Also Edward founded the Order of the Garter,which was formed by 24 knights.They met once a year on St George's day at Windsor castle.In 1348 a plague interrupted the war,Edward III died and the crown passed to Richard II. -
The peasants' revolt (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peasants%27_Revolt)Richard II meets the rebels on 13 June 1381.
During the first years of Richard II' s reign,England was ruled by his uncle John,who introduced the poll tax.So it was the beginning of the Peasants' revolt.Wat Tyler,who was a craftsman,gathered a crowd of people and marched on London to ask the king to abolish the peasants' duties to their landlords.But the mayor of London killed Tyler and Richard II had executed the leaders of the revolt.