
History of England (from 1066 to 1400)

  • 1492 BCE

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Colombus was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, and citizen of the Republic of Genoa. During his life, he did four voyager. In particular he was famous because he discovered of America in 1492.
  • Period: 1455 BCE to 1485 BCE

    The War of the Roses

    The War of the Roses was a civil war fight, after the Henry IV's death, between two rival families of York and Lancaster for the throne succession. The family have two symbols: white rose and red rose, so the war was called 'The Roses'. The war finished in 1485 with the marriage between Elizabeth of York and Lancastrian Henry Tudor, Henry VII sailed the peace between the two houses and he crowned the first Tudor King.
  • 1387 BCE

    Geoffrey Chaucer

    Geoffrey Chaucer
    Chaucer lived from 1343 to 1400 and he was an english poet. In 1387 he published a narrative poem called 'The Canterbury Tales', written in Middle English. The narrative poem and is composed by a variety of narrative elements, as the setting in time and place, the description of characters and the narrator in first person. This poem is an 'estate satire', because he talk about the structure of society, but he did a satire. The main characters are: the Wife of Bath, the miller, the knights.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    The battle of Hastings

    The battle of Hastings
    This battle is the most famous moments in British history, because two armies clashed: William,duke of Normandy and Harold, the leader of Anglo-saxon Army. The battle was won by Normans.
  • Aug 1, 1086

    The Domesday Book

    The Domesday Book
    The Domesday Book is a book that contains survey results. This survay was do by king to know whats the land was like and what people lived in it.
  • Period: Oct 25, 1154 to Jul 6, 1189

    A war of succession : Henry II

    Henry II was a good king because he created the justice system, he administered the Common Law, based on local customs,he destroyed all castle and knights and barons payed a sum of money to king for payed mercenaries and the king military service (SCUTAGE).
  • Dec 29, 1170

    Thomas Becket: the saint

    Thomas Becket: the saint
    Henry II wanted to reduce the power of church.So he would be to make Thomas Becket his chancellor.But Becket become an opponent of the king and he was murdered in CanterburyCathedral.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1199 to Oct 2, 1216

    King John

    King John was unpopular king because he lost French territories, he collected higher taxes in England and he had a arbitrary rule. He was a cowardly, cruel and reprehensible monarch.
  • May 1, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The king John sealed the Magna Carta because barons refusied to pay the scutage and they conspired to resist the king. The Magna Carta established freedms to all people, protected the rights of ordinary people, proper trail, the basies of legal system in England and promise to have a good and fair laws.
  • Apr 1, 1262

    Henry III

    Henry III
    Henry III become king after Jonh's death. England was governed by a group of barons until he came of age. Parliament was a structure of permanent control over the king's policies and it included barons, knights and two representatives from each town.
  • Jan 1, 1295

    Model Parliament (Edward I)

    Model Parliament (Edward I)
    Edward I was a Henry's son and become king in 1272. He created a "Model Parliament", included representative of the barons, the clergy, two knights from each county and two citizens from each town.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Feudal system (4-14 century)

    Feudal system (4-14 century)
    In this period the society was divide into three divinely ordained orders. These were: the nobles as like lord, knights, dukes and earls, the clergy, that prayed and the peasants that worked. On the top of society there was king. Lands was divided by king into fiefdoms entrusted to nobles and worked by the farmers.
  • Period: Jul 7, 1307 to Jan 20, 1327

    Edward II

    Edward II was king of England after his father and he married Isabella of France. His regime collapsed and Edward was forced to relinquish his crown in January 1327 in favour of his fourteen year old son, Edward III.
  • Period: Feb 1, 1327 to Jun 21, 1376

    Edward III

    Edward III transformed the Kingdom of England into one of the most formidable military powers in Europe. This started what would become known as the Hundred Years' War, because he didn't get the French throne. Also the last years of Edward III's reign were marked by the rise of a religious movement of reform, called Lollardy whose leader was the Oxford scholar John Wycliff, who for the first time he translated the Bible in English in 1382.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1346 to Jan 1, 1353

    The Black Death

    The black death was one of the worst natural disasters in history. The plague was caused by fleas living in black rats which infested ships trading with Europe. The plague gave no chance of survival. Consequences were: one third of England population died, labour was scarce, price dropped and wages rose
  • Period: Jun 21, 1377 to Sep 29, 1399

    Richard II

    Richard II was the last king of the Plantagenet House. From 30 May 1381 to November 1381 he represed a peasant's revolt, because the peasants asked greater right, following the poll tax (1377). During his reign he was forced to abdicate and sentenced to prison for life.
  • Aug 22, 1485

    Henry VII

    Henry VII
    He was born in 1457 and died in 1509. He was the first king of the Tudor dynasty, but is claim, for became the new king, is weak. So he tried to consolidate his position throught: a treaty with France, a treaty trade with Netherlands and the dynastic marriage, between Arthur, his son and Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Spain's king, in 1501. Finally during his reign, he strengthened the monarchy, extend military power and found the English naval power.
  • Apr 22, 1509

    Henry VIII

    Henry VIII
    He lived from 1491 to 1547 and he was Henry VII's second son. He was called 'Golden Prince' and in 1521 he was granted the title of 'Defender of the Faith' by the pope. After Arthur's death in 1502 he married Catherine of Aragon and he had a daughter called Mary but the king doesn't happy because he want a male heir. So he asked the pope for a divorce for married Anne Boleyn but he refused. In 1534 Henry promulgated the Act of Supremarcy and he married Anne in 1533 and have a daughter Elizabeth.
  • Jul 19, 1533

    Mary I

    Mary I
    She was born in 1516 and died in 1558. In 1533 became queen she belived the agent of a Counter Reformation because she refused to abandon her faith. She was called 'Bloody Mary' for many reasons: attempt to restore England to papal obedience, marriage to the Catholic Philip of Spain and the burning of Protestants. Her end was tragic and after her death the country was still divided over religion.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I
    She lived from 1533 to 1603 in England. She was unmarried and the people make a cult of 'Virgin Queen'. In 1558 she became queen of a divided nation, but the English's church restore the country firmly to Protestantism but catholics have a freedom of worship. First war was for trade expanded and sea power (1540-1596). In 1588 the Spanish invaded England. Finally the English won and the queen lay the basis of England's empire and she brought unity and defeated England's enemies.