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History of Energy in USA

  • Coal was used to power railroads and steamships

    Coal was used to power railroads and steamships
  • First successful oil drill

    First successful oil drill
    in Titusville, PA
  • Electric light bulb invented

    Electric light bulb invented
    by Thomas Edison
  • Ford introduces a car that runs on ethanol or gasoline

    Ford introduces a car that runs on ethanol or gasoline
  • First natural gas plant opens

    First natural gas plant opens
    in West Virginia.
  • Shell opens first modern petroleum refinery

    Shell opens first modern petroleum refinery
    in California.
  • First nuclear reactor was built

    First nuclear reactor was built
    in Chicago
  • Nuclear energy becomes #2 in electricity

    Nuclear energy becomes #2 in electricity
    knocking out hydropower
  • Shell opens first hydrogen fueling station

    Shell opens first hydrogen fueling station
    in Washington DC partnering with General Motors
  • Shell launches Eureka

    Shell launches Eureka
    it is the world's first self-positioning oil drilling ship