House of Refuge in New York
The House of Refuge in New York was the first institution in U.S. for juvenile delinquents. Although this does not directly state emotional disturbance, it was an institution for juveniles with severe behaviors. -
Studies Begin
In the 1930's people began to attempt to study children with severe emotional disturbances. These studies were centered around childhood schizophrenia. -
The League School
The first private day school for children with severe emotional disturbance was opened in Brooklyn. It is still currently in operation. -
Public Law 88-164 Passed
This law provided federal money for support of mental illness. The money was used for mental health centers and research facilities. -
Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia
This court case was started because schools were not providing children with disabilities public education. In this court case, it was determined that all students with disabilities (including those with emotional disturbances) have the right to a free and appropriate public education. -
The Education for All Handicapped Children (EHC)
Emotional disturbance is listed as a disability classification under the Education for All Handicapped Children. This gives children with disabilities free education, appropriate public education, nondiscriminatory assessment, disability qualifications, least restrictive environments, parent involvement, and procedural due process. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEA was reauthorized to include a provision that addressed behavior infractions. This means that a student can no longer be expelled because of a behavior that occurred because of their disability.