Talk therapy is born
Freud and Jung develop talk therapy as a means of addressing emotional disturbance. -
National Committee for Mental Hygience created
Cifford Beers founds National Committee for Mental Hygience, which eventually becomes National Mental Health Association -
Therapeutic Milieu introduced
Bruno Bettelheim introduces therapeutic milieu at the O School at University of Chicago. This form of psychotherapy encouraged patients to care for themselves and each other. -
Mental Health Act introduced
President Truman signs the Mental Health Act which provides support and funding to conduct research as a means of reducing mental illness. -
Project Re-ED
"Re-Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children" is formed to address the needs of emotionally disturbed children, primarily in residential schools. -
EBD defined
Eli Bower defined Emotional Behavioral Disorder, indicating 5 characteristics that represent these disorders. This definition was adopted by US Department of Education and included in IDEA. -
The Disturbed Child published
The Disturbed Child described a psychoanalytic approach to teaching Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. -
CCBD was born
Council for Exceptional Children developed its largest division, Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. -
Conflict in Classroom
Conflict in Classroom offered recommendations for the education and identification of emotional disorders. -
Mills Vs. Board of Education
The results of this case indicated that all students must be allowed to go to school, essentially ending the exclusion of students with disabilities (including Emotional Disorder). -
Education for All Handicapped Children (PL 94-142)
This act introduced safeguards, including FAPE, qualifications for disabilities (including Emotional Disturbance), assessment, LRE, development of an IEP, parent involvement and due process. This is the start of Procedural Safeguards document, that is now shared with parents at each IEP meeting. -
EBD definition refined
Sixth criteria was added to the federal definition of Emotional Behavioral Disorder, indicating that the problem must adversely affect classroom performance. -
National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition created
National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition was created. Shortly after its inception, the term "Emotional and Behavioral Disorders" is adopted. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was introduced, replacing Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This version included Social Work and Rehabilitation Counseling as approved related services, allowing students with Emotional Disorder to receive preventative support. -
Reauthorization of IDEA
IDEA was reauthorized. A Manifestation Determination Review meeting was added in order to address the relationship of a child's disability to the behavior infraction. -
IDEA was reauthorized as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. This version added the use of Response to Intervention prior to the evaluation for special education. Students would be provided supported at the first evidence of struggle, rather previous system of waiting for failure prior to intervening. -
Senate Bill 100
SB 100 was introduced with a focus on prevention of behavior infractions as well as insuring access to educational services while serving consequences for behavior infractions.