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History of email

  • first email sent

    first email sent
    The first email most likely the first message was QWERTYIOP or something similar.
  • Email first created

    Email first created
    First created to make communication easier and quicker
  • First computers with email sent out

    First computers with email sent out
    Computers with email sent out almost right away
  • The queens first sent email

    The queens first sent email
  • first spam email

    first spam email
    Spam emails are a usual thing now that happen a lot but they didn't happen very often back in the beginning of email
  • The birth/creation of webmail

    The birth/creation of webmail
    creation of how you can enter your email through any computer with a browser and internet
  • The efining of spam emails

    The efining of spam emails
    Defining spam email meant everybody knew when it was spam or when it wasn't
  • wireless email ineted

    wireless email ineted
    this meant to use email you no longer need to have a cable or wire and now on small hand-held devices
  • Ray tomlinson dies

    Ray tomlinson dies
    The creator of email dies