History of ELL: 1700-1850

By mjessen
  • The First Free School Opens

    The first free school opened in Virginia.
  • The Massachusetts Law of 1647

    This law decreed that every town of 50 people or more had to have a schoolmaster.
  • New England Primer Printed

    New England Primer Printed
    The first school book in England was printed.
  • Thomas Jefferson Proposes Education Plan

    Thomas Jefferson proposed a two track education system that had different tracks for "the laboring and the learned"
  • Christian Wolff Expands on Mental Discipline

    Christian Wolff created Faculty Psychology, meaning he believed that the brain can be trained through drills and repetition. Once basic skills are gained, advanced studies can be pursued.
  • Ben Franklin Established the first "English Academy"

    The English Academy opened in Philadelphia and included curriculum that was classical and modern, and taught courses including history, geography, navigation, surveying, and different languages. Eventually, it became the University of Pennsylvania.
  • A Grammatical Institute of the English Language Published

    A Grammatical Institute of the English Language Published
    Noah Webster wrote a spelling and grammar book in combination with a reader for people that spoke English, but it was never published.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance was created by the Confederation Congress in 1821, and it ensured that land would be saved for educational purposes, to build schools.
  • Young Ladies Academy Opens

    The first school for women opened in Philadelphia.
  • The First High School Opens in Boston

    The First High School Opens in Boston
    Boston English High School opens in 1821. This was the first high school.
  • Horace Mann Becomes Secretary of the Board of Education in Massachusetts

    Horace Mann Becomes Secretary of the Board of Education in Massachusetts
    Horace Mann advocated for free schooling, increased funding for schools, and better training for teachers.
  • The First School For Teachers opened

    The first school in Lexington, Massachusetts opened.