Electrical Relay Invented
Joseph Henry invents electrical relay, which can send electrical currents over long distances -
Period: to
History Of Electricity
Electrical Motor
Thomas Davenport invents the electrical motor, used in most appliances today -
Electric telegraph
Samuel Morse invents the electric telegraph, a machine that is able to send messages across wire over long distances -
Edison electric Light Corporation
The Edison electric Light Co. is established in New York City -
incandescent light bulb invented
Thomas Edison invents an incandescent light bulb with a lifespan of 40 hours. By 1880 the improved bulbs last 2100 hours -
Australia relies on electricity
by the turn of the century, all Australian States had some form of electricity -
Transistor invented
Scientist at Bell telephone Laboratories invent the transistor -
Nuclear Power Plant
The first nuclear power plant in Russia begins generating electricity -
Pessurised water
first pressurised water reactor -
Wave Power Station
world’s first commercial wave power station