FCC Decides to set aside 252 channels for education use only
NDEA act serves to improve Math and Science
PLATO issued by UIUC
Emergence of an on-line community around PLATO
PLATO widely used in K-12 and college classrooms
CAI Computer Interface Learning at STanford
IBM introduces Magnetic Tape/Selectric Typewriter
Texas Instruments develops first hand held calculator
ERIC is established
Douglas Engelbart introduces the first prototype of "computer mouse"
First Intelligent Tutoring System is developed by Jaime Carbonell
Seseame Street Airs
PLATO IV Released
Congress OTA organized
Altair 8800 leads way for personal computers
CDC Intro to Elementery and Secondary Computer Learning programs
Apple introduces its first computer
Overhead projectors purchased for all classrooms
Apple Macintosh and Commodore 64 introduced
General Assembly passes Education Reform Act
FIrst Illinois School Report Cards distributed to parents
Powerpoint introduced
IGAP begins to assess student achievement
Star Schools Program Assistance Act
E-RATE Introduced
World Wide Web begins
First Tech 2000 Conference
Congress OTA disbanes
Classroom connect offers educational webquests
Wikis Launched
First Classroom Computers Introduced
Google Launched
Bartlett H.S. opens included STEM Academy
IGAP replaced by ISAT
First PSAE exam taken by 11th graders
District adapts Novell email system
First Automated Class in Illinois
First fully automated classroom is introduced
LCD projectors appear in district classrooms
Electronic Textbooks appear in Illinois Classrooms
IPAD tablet introduced
District Introduces APEX credit recovery online learning system
First smartboards appear in classrooms
District Launches Infinite Campus for online grading
Electronic Tardy System introduced
District explores added new Tech classes
$4 Million Dollars approved by district for mobile laptops and desktops
District purchases laptops for teachers